Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Jayaben Desai, whose refusal to obey a management instruction to stay on and work overtime after another worker had been sacked for not fulfilling his quota, started the famous Grunwick strike, died just before Christmas. She was 77.
I have written elsewhere on this blog LINK how this strike in Dollis Hill, in the heart of Brent, was a significant milestone in the history of trade union struggle in the UK - and one that should feature when local schools devise their programmes for Black History Month
As someone who attended the pickets I well remember her inspiring presence in front of the Grunwick gates. This was a fight against exploitation based on race, class and gender and challenged the trade union movement's neglect of immigrant and women workers.
Here is Jayaben's own account of the working conditions at Grunwick:
"On two sides there are glass cabins for the management so that they can watch you as well. He is English. He moves around and keeps an eye. You have to put up your hand and ask even to go to the toilet. If someone is sick, say a woman has a period or something, they wouldn’t allow her home without a doctor’s certificate, and if someone’s child was sick and they had to take it to the clinic or hospital they would say “Why are you going, ask someone else from your family to go”…
Even pregnant women who wanted to go to the clinic were told “you must arrange to go at the weekend.” On the rare occasions when a woman did go during working hours she would be warned that that was the last time. Everyone would be paid a different wage so no one knew what anyone else was getting. And to force people to work they would make them fill in a job sheet saying how many films they had booked in. If someone did a large number they would bring the job sheet around and show the others and say “She has done so many, you also must.”
And here is a quote about George Ward, the boss, that sums up her strength:
He would come to the picket line and try to mock us and insult us. One day he said “Mrs Desai, you can’t win in a sari, I want to see you in a mini.” I said “Mrs Gandhi, she wears a sari and she is ruling a vast country.”… On my second encounter with Ward he said “Mrs Desai, I’ll tell the whole Patel community that you are a loose woman.” I said “I am here with this placard! Look! I am showing all England that you are a bad man. You are going to tell only the Patel community but I am going to tell all of England.”
Quotes from Amrit Wilson, Finding A Voice: Asian Women in Britain
Jayaben's funeral will be at Golders Green Crematorium at 11am on December 31st. Her husband would like people to attend if they are able.
From Posted by Martin Francis at 3:27 PM
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Oldham east and Saddleworth Parliamentary by-election campaign - help needed -please circulate
Subject: Oldham east and Saddleworth Parliamentary by-election campaign - help needed -please circulate
As you may know the polling date for this high profile Parliamentary by-election is Thursday January 13th which leaves the Green Party with very little time to campaign, so we desperately need all the help that we can get.
Green Party Candidate Peter Allen and team will be leafleting on the following dates:
Tuesday 21/12/10, Thursday 23/12/10, Tuesday 28/12/10, Thursday 30/12/10
We will be Meeting each day at 10.00 am outside Glodwick Health Centre, 137 Glodwick Road, Oldham, OL4 1YN, we will be leafleting until 14.00 pm.
For further details, directions or if you are available to leaflet on other dates please contact:
Ian Barker Tel 0161 637 7543 Mobile 07540652752
Nigel Rolland Tel 0161 339 3979 Mobile 07709056079
Further dates are planned from 03/01/11 in Saddleworth, details to be agreed.
For any Green Party members who are able to come and help from other regions, there will be overnight accommodation available by arrangement if required
SEE GREEN LEFT statement of support for Peter Allen on GL blog and website
As you may know the polling date for this high profile Parliamentary by-election is Thursday January 13th which leaves the Green Party with very little time to campaign, so we desperately need all the help that we can get.
Green Party Candidate Peter Allen and team will be leafleting on the following dates:
Tuesday 21/12/10, Thursday 23/12/10, Tuesday 28/12/10, Thursday 30/12/10
We will be Meeting each day at 10.00 am outside Glodwick Health Centre, 137 Glodwick Road, Oldham, OL4 1YN, we will be leafleting until 14.00 pm.
For further details, directions or if you are available to leaflet on other dates please contact:
Ian Barker Tel 0161 637 7543 Mobile 07540652752
Nigel Rolland Tel 0161 339 3979 Mobile 07709056079
Further dates are planned from 03/01/11 in Saddleworth, details to be agreed.
For any Green Party members who are able to come and help from other regions, there will be overnight accommodation available by arrangement if required
SEE GREEN LEFT statement of support for Peter Allen on GL blog and website
Thursday, 9 December 2010
The Trade off By Noel Lynch (originally in Green World autumn 2010)
So Ed Miliband won the battle of the brothers and has been installed as leader of the Labour party. Congratulations to him. We can only hope that he will help take Labour in a more progressive direction and promote positive policies to reduce carbon emissions and tackle inequality.
While you may feel that the leadership contest did not generate much insight into important areas of policy it did, at least, reveal how many ordinary people are accidentally financing the Labour party.
Most trade union funds are spent representing members and furthering their interests. Green party policy is wholly supporting of the role trade unions play. It is also an important principle that trade unions are free to finance general political activity to support campaigning for workers’ rights and greater equality. However trade union members should decide for themselves whether they pay money to the Labour party.
Many Green party members and supporters will have been amongst the millions of people issued a ballot for the Labour party leadership election. While I am sure that most would have resisted the temptation to influence the internal affairs of another party (particularly as most ballot forms required a declaration of support for Labour party aims and objectives – whatever they happen to be today – for the vote to be valid) the very fact that a ballot paper was sent indicates that the addressee was directly or indirectly financing the Labour party.
Did you receive a ballot paper? Did you know that you were funding the Labour party? A little background will help explain the situation and how you can opt out of financing your political opponents.
Most ballots issued to non-Labour party members were issued by trade unions. The link between trade unions and the Labour party is historic and remains deep-rooted. Today fifteen major national unions are affiliated to the Labour party (many trade unions have never been affiliated and more recently the RMT was expelled and the FBU disaffiliated).
Ballot papers were only distributed to members of affiliated trades unions who pay the “political levy”. This is the part of the membership subscription that goes towards the political fund. It is the political fund that is used to finance the Labour party, so receipt of a leadership ballot is a sign that you are contributing to the Labour party’s coffers.
The principle of trade union financing of the Labour party relies on inertia (or, if you prefer the language of the policy wonks who contested the Labour leadership: nudge theory). Members are opted into paying the levy and are largely ignorant of the fact that they are doing so. Events like a leadership election serve as a useful reminder of the fact. If you received a ballot paper you should consider whether you should opt out of paying the levy. Now is also a good time to raise the issue with friends or family members who may not have known they are funding Labour.
Opting out of paying the political levy could not be simpler. Many unions will provide a form for members to fill out for this purpose but it is enough to write to your union along the following lines: "I give notice that I object to contributing to the Labour Party through the Political Fund of the Union, and am in consequence exempt, in the manner provided for by Chapter VI of Part 1 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, from contributing to any political fund that donates to the Labour party."
Trade unions perform a vital function in society and are a progressive force. Trade union links with the Green party are increasing all the time: trade unions are training a generation of workplace environmental reps; trade union leaders have addressed Green party conferences; the FBU donated to the Green party; Caroline Lucas is vice-chair of the PCS parliamentary group. There is an active trade union group in the Green party that you can join if you are interested in workers’ rights*. Opting out of paying a political levy is not an anti-union gesture; it is a step towards realigning the interests of trade unions towards the real interests of their members.
Noel Lynch is Coordinator of the London Federation of Green Parties and founder (with Danny Bates) of the Green Party Trade Union Group.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
St Andrews occupation freezes under repression!
St Andrews students are suffering from severe repression as officials and the police lay siege to their occuptation of the university.
In a pathetic and inhuman act the heating was turned off leaving the students inside facing obscene conditions in order to continue their protest as outside temperatures dropped below -5C last night. Police have also stopped freedom of movement meaning that the students have been denied access to food and other amenities. The students inside are said to be dealing with
the repression and keeping their spirits up. The university is now coming under mounting pressure from people acting in solidarity by sending messages to the principal's office complaining about this repression.
Turn up the heat on the University principles office by emailing them to complain about its awful treatment of students.
Currently there is a media black out on coverage of the student protests by corporate media in order to starve the movement of publicity. Now it seems universitys have taken to trying to starve and freeze students as well. Please get the word out and take whatever action you can.
We will not tolerate £9,000 tuition fees!
We will not tolerate repression and inhuman treatment!
We will not tolerate being condemed to an age of austerity!
St Andrews occupation can be contacted on 07824566976
Comments and updates can go on indymedia.
In a pathetic and inhuman act the heating was turned off leaving the students inside facing obscene conditions in order to continue their protest as outside temperatures dropped below -5C last night. Police have also stopped freedom of movement meaning that the students have been denied access to food and other amenities. The students inside are said to be dealing with
the repression and keeping their spirits up. The university is now coming under mounting pressure from people acting in solidarity by sending messages to the principal's office complaining about this repression.
Turn up the heat on the University principles office by emailing them to complain about its awful treatment of students.
Currently there is a media black out on coverage of the student protests by corporate media in order to starve the movement of publicity. Now it seems universitys have taken to trying to starve and freeze students as well. Please get the word out and take whatever action you can.
We will not tolerate £9,000 tuition fees!
We will not tolerate repression and inhuman treatment!
We will not tolerate being condemed to an age of austerity!
St Andrews occupation can be contacted on 07824566976
Comments and updates can go on indymedia.
Monday, 6 December 2010
GPTU applauds the nationwide wave of student protests
GPTU statement issued by P.Murry (GPTU Secretary) drafted by Spin Pitman
The GPTU applauds the nationwide wave of student protests in response to the government assault on education funding. As of Monday 6th December 21 universities were under occupation alongside regular organised marches in many towns.
Higher education is currently faced with total budget cuts of 45% with up to 80% being taken out of block teaching grants. This is accompanied by increased marketisation of the HE system due to the move towards differential fees between universities and courses, leading to institutional competition based on cost, rather than academic excellence.
Fees are also set to rise by up to three times the current level to £9000. Many students who would have been applying to university in 2012, when the reforms are due to come in, are already being put off and considering looking for employment instead.
The abolition of EMA will result in fewer students from disadvantaged backgrounds accessing further education, directly impacting the diversity of university applicants and resulting in more people seeking employment at age 16.
The house of commons is set to vote on the proposals this Thursday (9th December) with further mass demonstrations planned across the country.
The momentum shown by the student movement over the last month is commendable and acts as inspiration to the wider trades union movement. Coalitions are starting to form between the two groups with the actions taken also garnering wide public support. Maintaining this energy will be vital if the devastating impact of the cuts is going to be fully minimised.
The Edinburgh uni occupation has compiled a fully updated list of ongoing occupations here:
The GPTU applauds the nationwide wave of student protests in response to the government assault on education funding. As of Monday 6th December 21 universities were under occupation alongside regular organised marches in many towns.
Higher education is currently faced with total budget cuts of 45% with up to 80% being taken out of block teaching grants. This is accompanied by increased marketisation of the HE system due to the move towards differential fees between universities and courses, leading to institutional competition based on cost, rather than academic excellence.
Fees are also set to rise by up to three times the current level to £9000. Many students who would have been applying to university in 2012, when the reforms are due to come in, are already being put off and considering looking for employment instead.
The abolition of EMA will result in fewer students from disadvantaged backgrounds accessing further education, directly impacting the diversity of university applicants and resulting in more people seeking employment at age 16.
The house of commons is set to vote on the proposals this Thursday (9th December) with further mass demonstrations planned across the country.
The momentum shown by the student movement over the last month is commendable and acts as inspiration to the wider trades union movement. Coalitions are starting to form between the two groups with the actions taken also garnering wide public support. Maintaining this energy will be vital if the devastating impact of the cuts is going to be fully minimised.
The Edinburgh uni occupation has compiled a fully updated list of ongoing occupations here:
Saturday, 4 December 2010
LSE Occupied!
LSE Occupied!
Students go into Occupation after 400-attend Emergency Union General Meeting
2nd December 2010
Charlotte Gerada, Ashok Kumar
General Secretary Education Officer
LSE Students' Union LSE Students' Union
Ph: 07971395413 Ph: 07799793618
Over 120 Students have gone into occupation of the LSE. This began at 2pm today and has been entirely peaceful. We understand that these students have occupied the Vera Anstey in the Old Building - purposefully not disrupting any students, teaching or learning within the School. Students are demanding that Howard Davies write a joint open letter with the LSE Students Union and the Universities and Colleges Union (UCU).
Ashok Kumar, LSE Students' Union Education Officer said, "We have been trying to get Howard Davies to write a more powerful statement for a while now. Less than a month ago we asked that he write a strongly worded letter at the Union General Meeting, but he refused claiming to have done 'all that was in his power'. We know this isn't the case, its now or never - and when our university is losing nearly 100% of its teaching grant, the fact that Howard has barely lifted a finger to protest is a unacceptable."
Hero Austin, LSE Students' Union Community and Welfare Officer "The occupations taking place around the country have been at a mass scale. These aren't a few activists demonstrating, but hundreds of students who have marched, demonstrated and recognised the power of direct action." The occupation comes less than a week after students at the LSE staged a sit-in at the constituent offices of Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes (Southwark and Bermondsey), protested outside of a Nick Clegg lecture at Kings Place, and demonstrating on the streets of London on November 24th.
Voting is now underway across the entire student body of LSE about whether the Students' Union should directly support occupations like this or not. You can vote at We would ask the School directly liaise with those students in occupation about their demands until the Students' Union position is decided by our members. The results of this will be known shortly after 5pm on Friday 3 December.
The LSE occupation comes after over 25 universities around the country went into occupation on the 24th of November demonstration. Students at the LSE have one demand; that the university director, Howard Davies, co-draft an open letter to the government with the Students' Union.
Students go into Occupation after 400-attend Emergency Union General Meeting
2nd December 2010
Charlotte Gerada, Ashok Kumar
General Secretary Education Officer
LSE Students' Union LSE Students' Union
Ph: 07971395413 Ph: 07799793618
Over 120 Students have gone into occupation of the LSE. This began at 2pm today and has been entirely peaceful. We understand that these students have occupied the Vera Anstey in the Old Building - purposefully not disrupting any students, teaching or learning within the School. Students are demanding that Howard Davies write a joint open letter with the LSE Students Union and the Universities and Colleges Union (UCU).
Ashok Kumar, LSE Students' Union Education Officer said, "We have been trying to get Howard Davies to write a more powerful statement for a while now. Less than a month ago we asked that he write a strongly worded letter at the Union General Meeting, but he refused claiming to have done 'all that was in his power'. We know this isn't the case, its now or never - and when our university is losing nearly 100% of its teaching grant, the fact that Howard has barely lifted a finger to protest is a unacceptable."
Hero Austin, LSE Students' Union Community and Welfare Officer "The occupations taking place around the country have been at a mass scale. These aren't a few activists demonstrating, but hundreds of students who have marched, demonstrated and recognised the power of direct action." The occupation comes less than a week after students at the LSE staged a sit-in at the constituent offices of Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes (Southwark and Bermondsey), protested outside of a Nick Clegg lecture at Kings Place, and demonstrating on the streets of London on November 24th.
Voting is now underway across the entire student body of LSE about whether the Students' Union should directly support occupations like this or not. You can vote at We would ask the School directly liaise with those students in occupation about their demands until the Students' Union position is decided by our members. The results of this will be known shortly after 5pm on Friday 3 December.
The LSE occupation comes after over 25 universities around the country went into occupation on the 24th of November demonstration. Students at the LSE have one demand; that the university director, Howard Davies, co-draft an open letter to the government with the Students' Union.
Friday, 3 December 2010
University of London Union and UCU London Region have called a demonstration on Thursday 9th December, the day Parliament debates the raising of the cap on tuition fees, to add support to the mass lobby of Parliament called by UCU and NUS.
Add your name to the statement by emailing…spread this out widely
Our students are fighting to defend education for all- join them.
University of London Union and UCU London Region have called a demonstration on Thursday 9th December, the day Parliament debates the raising of the cap on tuition fees, to add support to the mass lobby of Parliament called by UCU and NUS.
The student movement has inspired all those who wish to defend education for all. If the Coalition government get away with raising tuition fees and cutting EMA it will deny access to Further and Higher Education making it the preserve of the very wealthy.
By taking to the streets in their tens of thousands, students have broken the idea that cuts are inevitable. They have exposed the government as weak and demonstrated that they can be stopped from wrecking people lives.
As student placards have stated: “We did not cause this crisis - why should we pay for it?”
We are calling upon the trades union movement and community organisations across London to come and join the students fighting for all of our futures.
Please email to add your name
Our students are fighting to defend education for all- join them.
University of London Union and UCU London Region have called a demonstration on Thursday 9th December, the day Parliament debates the raising of the cap on tuition fees, to add support to the mass lobby of Parliament called by UCU and NUS.
The student movement has inspired all those who wish to defend education for all. If the Coalition government get away with raising tuition fees and cutting EMA it will deny access to Further and Higher Education making it the preserve of the very wealthy.
By taking to the streets in their tens of thousands, students have broken the idea that cuts are inevitable. They have exposed the government as weak and demonstrated that they can be stopped from wrecking people lives.
As student placards have stated: “We did not cause this crisis - why should we pay for it?”
We are calling upon the trades union movement and community organisations across London to come and join the students fighting for all of our futures.
Please email to add your name
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Reply from Chairman = NO
From Darren
Here is Brian Coleman's response to the formal question I tabled at today's Fire Authority meeting, requesting an investigation into injuries to firefighters excercising their legal right to strike.
(i) Question 257 from Councillor Darren Johnson AM (Green Party):
Will the Chairman request the Commissioner undertakes a formal investigation, including an independent element, of the following > reported incidents during industrial action on 1 November:
a) firefighter hit by a car at Croydon Fire Station, and withholding
of first aid equipment;
b) FBU London representative and firefighter hit by fire engines at Southwark Fire Station
And will the Chairman ensure that the findings of such an investigation are published?
Reply from Chairman
> Darren Johnson AM
> Green Party Member
> London Assembly
> City Hall
> Queens Walk
> London SE1 2AA
> 020 7983 4388
Here is Brian Coleman's response to the formal question I tabled at today's Fire Authority meeting, requesting an investigation into injuries to firefighters excercising their legal right to strike.
(i) Question 257 from Councillor Darren Johnson AM (Green Party):
Will the Chairman request the Commissioner undertakes a formal investigation, including an independent element, of the following > reported incidents during industrial action on 1 November:
a) firefighter hit by a car at Croydon Fire Station, and withholding
of first aid equipment;
b) FBU London representative and firefighter hit by fire engines at Southwark Fire Station
And will the Chairman ensure that the findings of such an investigation are published?
Reply from Chairman
> Darren Johnson AM
> Green Party Member
> London Assembly
> City Hall
> Queens Walk
> London SE1 2AA
> 020 7983 4388
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Mayor must call chair of Fire Authority to account & Darren Johnson's formal question for the 18th November LFEPA meeting.
News Release
Darren Johnson
London Assembly Green Party Member
Press Office: 020 7983 4424, 07967 205 330 Darren:07887 737 276
9th November 2010
Mayor must call chair of Fire Authority to account
Darren Johnson has responded to comments by Brian Coleman, the chair ofthe London Fire and Emergency Authority. Mr Coleman has suggested that Fire Brigade officers should explore, as part of the budget process, whether the Brigade needs all 27 of the fire appliances removed from
stations during the current industrial action to be returned or whether there is an over-supply of appliances.
Darren Johnson said:
"It is highly provocative and badly timed comment, which raises the prospect of unacceptable cuts to the fire service in London. Most Londoners breathed a sigh of relief when the Fire Brigades Union responded to legitimate concerns over safety and called off their strike
on bonfire night. The chair of the Authority should be helping to sort out the trade union's grievances, not stirring things up in this way.
The London Mayor needs to step in and remove Brian Coleman from his role as chair, as he has become a barrier to the dispute being resolved."
Darren Johnson is available for comment
Darren Johnson's
formal question for the 18th November LFEPA meeting.
'Industrial action on 1 November: investigation of incidents'
Darren Johnson
Will the Chairman request the Commissioner undertakes a formal investigation, including an independent element, of the following reported incidents during industrial action on 1 November:
a) firefighter hit by a car at Croydon Fire Station, and withholding of first aid equipment;
b) FBU London representative and firefighter hit by fire engines at Southwark Fire Station?
And will the Chairman ensure that the findings of such an investigation are published? '
Darren Johnson
London Assembly Green Party Member
Press Office: 020 7983 4424, 07967 205 330 Darren:07887 737 276
9th November 2010
Mayor must call chair of Fire Authority to account
Darren Johnson has responded to comments by Brian Coleman, the chair ofthe London Fire and Emergency Authority. Mr Coleman has suggested that Fire Brigade officers should explore, as part of the budget process, whether the Brigade needs all 27 of the fire appliances removed from
stations during the current industrial action to be returned or whether there is an over-supply of appliances.
Darren Johnson said:
"It is highly provocative and badly timed comment, which raises the prospect of unacceptable cuts to the fire service in London. Most Londoners breathed a sigh of relief when the Fire Brigades Union responded to legitimate concerns over safety and called off their strike
on bonfire night. The chair of the Authority should be helping to sort out the trade union's grievances, not stirring things up in this way.
The London Mayor needs to step in and remove Brian Coleman from his role as chair, as he has become a barrier to the dispute being resolved."
Darren Johnson is available for comment
Darren Johnson's
formal question for the 18th November LFEPA meeting.
'Industrial action on 1 November: investigation of incidents'
Darren Johnson
Will the Chairman request the Commissioner undertakes a formal investigation, including an independent element, of the following reported incidents during industrial action on 1 November:
a) firefighter hit by a car at Croydon Fire Station, and withholding of first aid equipment;
b) FBU London representative and firefighter hit by fire engines at Southwark Fire Station?
And will the Chairman ensure that the findings of such an investigation are published? '
Monday, 8 November 2010
US/ UCU demo 'Fund Our Future' is this Wednesday, 10th November
The joint NUS/ UCU demo 'Fund Our Future' is this Wednesday, 10th November. Assembly will be at 11:30am Horse Guards Avenue in London and the march will begin at 12.30 through Westminster and past the Palace of Westminster.Nearest tube: Westminster. Alternatively, if you live in London, you can meet LSE YGs on Houghton Street 1t 11:30. (Contact Zain:07950458207)
The demonstration is a protest against government plans for tuition fees to increase to on average £6,000, with the prospect of the elite and most prestigious Universities being able to increase their fees to a maximum £9,000.
This is an onslaught on Higher Education and will ensure that not only those from the wealthiest backgrounds will be able to go to University, but also only those from the academic elite as Universities with less well developed commercial services and with less prestigious academic traditions will struggle to continue to attract those students from more impoverished backgrounds (like Middlesex University and London Met) as well as cover the cost of teaching cuts.
At the moment we need more public funding in HE, not less..please join us if you can.
The demonstration is a protest against government plans for tuition fees to increase to on average £6,000, with the prospect of the elite and most prestigious Universities being able to increase their fees to a maximum £9,000.
This is an onslaught on Higher Education and will ensure that not only those from the wealthiest backgrounds will be able to go to University, but also only those from the academic elite as Universities with less well developed commercial services and with less prestigious academic traditions will struggle to continue to attract those students from more impoverished backgrounds (like Middlesex University and London Met) as well as cover the cost of teaching cuts.
At the moment we need more public funding in HE, not less..please join us if you can.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Coalition of Resistance Against Cuts & Privatisation National Organising Conference - 10am-5pm, Saturday November 27th
Camden Centre Bidborough St, London WC1H 9AU (opposite St Pancras station)
Register here:
Already several hundred people have registered for the conference. If you have and have not yet heard back from us please don't worry. We will be sending out tickets and a full programme of sessions in the next week. We have had to book further space for the conference and have obtained three large halls within 100 metres of the Camden Centre for workshops and forum sessions.
Apart from the opening and closing plenaries, sessions will include:
• Organising against the cuts locally
• Defending the Welfare State
• States of Inequalities
• Mobilising in the unions
• Analysis of the crisis
• Debate on our alternatives
• What should political representatives do?
• What future for education?
• Cultures of Resistance
• Youth and students
• Women and the crisis
Confirmed speakers include: Billy Bragg, Caroline Lucas MP, Tony Benn, John McDonnell, Paul Mackney, Bob Crow, Jeremy Dear, Dr Jacky Davis, Professor Colin Leys, Dot Gibson, Zita Holborne, Ozlem Onaran, Derek Wall, Lindsey German, Chris Baugh, Laurie Penny, John Hilary, Lowkey and many others.
There will be speakers from local anti-cuts groups from around the country. The National Secretary of the French railway unions will report on the recent strike wave there. And there will be a fraternal speakers from the People's Charter and other organisations.
The conference will discuss a plan of action and will elect a National steering committee.
Please register for the conference. You can either do this online using paypal or by printing off the form - - and sending it to our office with a cheque to the address below.
Conference Registration:
Unemployed / Student Rate £3.00
Standard Rate £5.00
Representative £10.00
The conference is costing many thousands of pounds to put on and we are keeping the registration fees as low as possible to allow maximum attendance.
We need volunteers to help cover the forthcoming student and Stop the War marches. Please contact Sam on 07872481769 if you can help.
There will be a small number of stalls for movement organisations at the conference and these will be £75 each. The stalls will have to be booked and paid for in advance.
Coalition of Resistance badges and t-shirts are now available and will on the website soon.
Please circulate this bulletin throughout the labour and trade union movement.
Andrew Burgin
07939 242229
Coalition of Resistance
Housmans Bookshop
5 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DX
Register here:
Already several hundred people have registered for the conference. If you have and have not yet heard back from us please don't worry. We will be sending out tickets and a full programme of sessions in the next week. We have had to book further space for the conference and have obtained three large halls within 100 metres of the Camden Centre for workshops and forum sessions.
Apart from the opening and closing plenaries, sessions will include:
• Organising against the cuts locally
• Defending the Welfare State
• States of Inequalities
• Mobilising in the unions
• Analysis of the crisis
• Debate on our alternatives
• What should political representatives do?
• What future for education?
• Cultures of Resistance
• Youth and students
• Women and the crisis
Confirmed speakers include: Billy Bragg, Caroline Lucas MP, Tony Benn, John McDonnell, Paul Mackney, Bob Crow, Jeremy Dear, Dr Jacky Davis, Professor Colin Leys, Dot Gibson, Zita Holborne, Ozlem Onaran, Derek Wall, Lindsey German, Chris Baugh, Laurie Penny, John Hilary, Lowkey and many others.
There will be speakers from local anti-cuts groups from around the country. The National Secretary of the French railway unions will report on the recent strike wave there. And there will be a fraternal speakers from the People's Charter and other organisations.
The conference will discuss a plan of action and will elect a National steering committee.
Please register for the conference. You can either do this online using paypal or by printing off the form - - and sending it to our office with a cheque to the address below.
Conference Registration:
Unemployed / Student Rate £3.00
Standard Rate £5.00
Representative £10.00
The conference is costing many thousands of pounds to put on and we are keeping the registration fees as low as possible to allow maximum attendance.
We need volunteers to help cover the forthcoming student and Stop the War marches. Please contact Sam on 07872481769 if you can help.
There will be a small number of stalls for movement organisations at the conference and these will be £75 each. The stalls will have to be booked and paid for in advance.
Coalition of Resistance badges and t-shirts are now available and will on the website soon.
Please circulate this bulletin throughout the labour and trade union movement.
Andrew Burgin
07939 242229
Coalition of Resistance
Housmans Bookshop
5 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DX
Private teachers' pensions subsidised
Sunday 07 November 2010
Millions of pounds in taxpayers' money is being used to subsidise pensions for teachers at elite public schools such as Eton and Harrow, the government has been forced to admit.
The disclosure came today in response to a Freedom of Information request regarding independent school membership of the Teachers' Pension Scheme made by the Green Party.
Eleven named institutions, including Eton, Harrow and Cheltenham, have 1,639 members of staff in the scheme with the top 100 schools receiving an estimated £40 million in subsidy per year.
London Green Party chairman Noel Lynch said: "It's scandalous that taxpayers are unknowingly paying towards the pensions of teachers at schools like Eton and Harrow. It will come as a surprise to a lot of people that these elite, private-sector employers have access to the government's Teachers' Pension Scheme to the tune of over £40 million."
Mr Lynch said the money should be ploughed into more urgent areas such as building new local schools in deprived areas and employing more teachers.
Millions of pounds in taxpayers' money is being used to subsidise pensions for teachers at elite public schools such as Eton and Harrow, the government has been forced to admit.
The disclosure came today in response to a Freedom of Information request regarding independent school membership of the Teachers' Pension Scheme made by the Green Party.
Eleven named institutions, including Eton, Harrow and Cheltenham, have 1,639 members of staff in the scheme with the top 100 schools receiving an estimated £40 million in subsidy per year.
London Green Party chairman Noel Lynch said: "It's scandalous that taxpayers are unknowingly paying towards the pensions of teachers at schools like Eton and Harrow. It will come as a surprise to a lot of people that these elite, private-sector employers have access to the government's Teachers' Pension Scheme to the tune of over £40 million."
Mr Lynch said the money should be ploughed into more urgent areas such as building new local schools in deprived areas and employing more teachers.
GET REAL ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE! Willesden Library 23/11/10
Time to tell the politicians...
Faced with cuts to jobs and services it’s easy to forget that if we don’t act now climate change will be a far worse threat to our future than the economic crisis. If the banks are too big to fail, then so is the planet. We need carbon cuts, not job cuts!
Come to the Local Public Meeting
Tuesday 23 November 7.30pm
Willesden Green Library Centre 95 High Road NW10 2SF
(nearest tube, Willesden Green)
Jonathan Neale, Campaign against Climate Change, author One Million Climate Jobs Now!
Derek Wall, Green Party, author No Nonsense Guide to Green Politics
Nick Grant, National Executive, National Union of Teachers (pc)
Ann Hunter, Brent Lib-Dem Councillor
PDF of leaflet at
Join the National Climate March
March on Parliament for a Zero Carbon Britain
Saturday 4 December 12.00 noon Hyde Park
Brent Campaign against Climate Change
Faced with cuts to jobs and services it’s easy to forget that if we don’t act now climate change will be a far worse threat to our future than the economic crisis. If the banks are too big to fail, then so is the planet. We need carbon cuts, not job cuts!
Come to the Local Public Meeting
Tuesday 23 November 7.30pm
Willesden Green Library Centre 95 High Road NW10 2SF
(nearest tube, Willesden Green)
Jonathan Neale, Campaign against Climate Change, author One Million Climate Jobs Now!
Derek Wall, Green Party, author No Nonsense Guide to Green Politics
Nick Grant, National Executive, National Union of Teachers (pc)
Ann Hunter, Brent Lib-Dem Councillor
PDF of leaflet at
Join the National Climate March
March on Parliament for a Zero Carbon Britain
Saturday 4 December 12.00 noon Hyde Park
Brent Campaign against Climate Change
Friday, 5 November 2010
FBU have called off their planned 47 hour strike today
Guardian mentions FBU concerns for public safety called off?
SW says management agrees to accept arbitration called off?
SW says management agrees to accept arbitration
Support the BBC NUJ strike on Friday and Saturday this week
NUJ members are to strike in protest at plans to make them pay more, work longer and get significantly lower pensions. Please support NUJ members fighting for fair pensions at the BBC.
Journalists at the BBC stand to lose thousands of pounds every year under draconian new pension plans set to be imposed at the Corporation.
In response, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has announced dates for strike action. NUJ members will strike for 48 hours on 5/6 November and 15/16 November with further dates to be announced.
Union members will also refuse to take on additional duties or volunteer for acting up as part of an indefinite work to rule starting on Friday 5 November.
Jeremy Dear, NUJ General Secretary said:
"Could you afford to simply give away £100,000, £25,000 or even ‘just’ £10,000? Of course not. But those are the kinds of sums every journalist faces losing under the BBC’s latest pension proposal. BBC journalists are not asking for higher pensions. They are not even saying they wouldn’t consider paying more or working longer for a fair pension settlement. That means a deal based on the real deficit in the scheme, not speculative and questionable figures. It means a pension which does not lose a significant part of its value every single year for the rest of their lives – which is what will happen under the current proposals. And it should be a deal that means what has been promised to them - which they have already paid for - is protected. The current offer fails those tests and it fails BBC staff. That’s why they’ve been left with no choice but to take industrial action on 5 and 6 November and 15 and 16 November. They can’t afford not to…and they need YOUR support"
How you can help
- Make a donation
Please make cheques payable to NUJ (mark on the back BBC Strike hardship fund) and send to NUJ General Secretary, Headland House, 308 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8DP.
- Send messages of support
Please email messages of support to
- Join the picket lines
Please visit your local BBC centre to join the pickets on 5 and 6 November.
For further details of picket times/places email
In London we are asking people to attend TV Centre, W12 at 12 noon.
- Invite a speaker
Contact your local BBC rep or to arrange a speaker for your next meeting
- Keep up to date on developments
For all the latest information about the BBC disputekeep checking the BBC pensions robbery page of the NUJ website
- Attend public meetings in your area
Contact your local NUJ chapel or branch, trades council or TUC region for more details:
Trade Union Congress in the Regions
Directory of Trade Councils
- Use the NUJ strike solidarity leaflet
This leaflet is a call to support the NUJ strike and includes information about what you can do, please use it at your local meetings and events.
Support the NUJ BBC strike leaflet
NUJ and FBU Thursday 4 November evening meeting in London:
A public meeting in south London on the eve of the BBC and FBU strikes will be addressed by leading members of the unions involved: Jeremy Dear, general secretary of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), Becky Branford, BBC NUJ member who lives locally and Ian Leahair, from the national executive of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), will speak in the Salvation Army Hall, Princess Street, Elephant and Castle, SE1 6HH, at 7pm on Thursday 4 November.
The meeting has been organised by local campaign group Southwark Save Our Services.
We believe quality broadcasting and talented, hardworking staff are the BBC’s best assets. We are asking you to support our campaign to stop the pensions robbery and defend the BBC.
Journalists at the BBC stand to lose thousands of pounds every year under draconian new pension plans set to be imposed at the Corporation.
In response, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has announced dates for strike action. NUJ members will strike for 48 hours on 5/6 November and 15/16 November with further dates to be announced.
Union members will also refuse to take on additional duties or volunteer for acting up as part of an indefinite work to rule starting on Friday 5 November.
Jeremy Dear, NUJ General Secretary said:
"Could you afford to simply give away £100,000, £25,000 or even ‘just’ £10,000? Of course not. But those are the kinds of sums every journalist faces losing under the BBC’s latest pension proposal. BBC journalists are not asking for higher pensions. They are not even saying they wouldn’t consider paying more or working longer for a fair pension settlement. That means a deal based on the real deficit in the scheme, not speculative and questionable figures. It means a pension which does not lose a significant part of its value every single year for the rest of their lives – which is what will happen under the current proposals. And it should be a deal that means what has been promised to them - which they have already paid for - is protected. The current offer fails those tests and it fails BBC staff. That’s why they’ve been left with no choice but to take industrial action on 5 and 6 November and 15 and 16 November. They can’t afford not to…and they need YOUR support"
How you can help
- Make a donation
Please make cheques payable to NUJ (mark on the back BBC Strike hardship fund) and send to NUJ General Secretary, Headland House, 308 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8DP.
- Send messages of support
Please email messages of support to
- Join the picket lines
Please visit your local BBC centre to join the pickets on 5 and 6 November.
For further details of picket times/places email
In London we are asking people to attend TV Centre, W12 at 12 noon.
- Invite a speaker
Contact your local BBC rep or to arrange a speaker for your next meeting
- Keep up to date on developments
For all the latest information about the BBC disputekeep checking the BBC pensions robbery page of the NUJ website
- Attend public meetings in your area
Contact your local NUJ chapel or branch, trades council or TUC region for more details:
Trade Union Congress in the Regions
Directory of Trade Councils
- Use the NUJ strike solidarity leaflet
This leaflet is a call to support the NUJ strike and includes information about what you can do, please use it at your local meetings and events.
Support the NUJ BBC strike leaflet
NUJ and FBU Thursday 4 November evening meeting in London:
A public meeting in south London on the eve of the BBC and FBU strikes will be addressed by leading members of the unions involved: Jeremy Dear, general secretary of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), Becky Branford, BBC NUJ member who lives locally and Ian Leahair, from the national executive of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), will speak in the Salvation Army Hall, Princess Street, Elephant and Castle, SE1 6HH, at 7pm on Thursday 4 November.
The meeting has been organised by local campaign group Southwark Save Our Services.
We believe quality broadcasting and talented, hardworking staff are the BBC’s best assets. We are asking you to support our campaign to stop the pensions robbery and defend the BBC.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Barnet TU Council at Barnet Green party
November meeting of Barnet GP is on this coming Monday, November 8th (Always the 2nd Monday of the month.) Venue: Madden's Tavern, High Street, East Finchley, N2. Near the East Finchley Tube.
Austin Harvey, Secretary of Barnet TU Council will be speaking. Interested members from outside Barnet are welcome to attend. Barnet GP is affiliated to BTUC.
Noel Lynch Chair BGP.
Austin Harvey, Secretary of Barnet TU Council will be speaking. Interested members from outside Barnet are welcome to attend. Barnet GP is affiliated to BTUC.
Noel Lynch Chair BGP.
Defend South Manchester Law Centre
Defend South Manchester Law Centre
The law centre’s judicial review of the Legal Services Commission immigration tendering process is to be heard on Monday, 8 November at the Civil Justice Centre, on Bridge Street, next to the peoples history museum.
There will be a protest outside the civil justice centre at 9:30am, before the JR hearing. The hearing is due to start at 10:30.
We would appreciate your attendance at the protest and also in the court for hearing.
So that the Judge hearing the case can see its not just about legal issues: the case is of great importance to the people of Manchester.
We look forward to seeing you there.
For more information on the campaign to keep the Law Centre open go to
South Manchester Law Centre has been providing free legal advice and representation to the Manchester community for the last 35 years.
Our expertise is in Women's rights, Immigration and Asylum Law.
The problem...
The Law Centres ability to provide these services is under threat because of a severe reduction in its funding from both Manchester City Council and the Legal Services Commission. Funding for Welfare Rights, Housing and Employment has already been withdrawn.
The Result...
As you may have guessed, the result of these cuts will be severe. The Law Centre is now faced with closure. This will mean the death of an organisation that has, for 35 years been a pillar of the community, helping the most vulnerable members of society to access advice and and protect their rights. This will leave;•NO Free court representation for employment law or benefits issues
•NO Free Asylum and Immigration advice in South Manchester
•NO Choice of providers for free advice
•NO Law Centres in Manchester
Why we need you...We now need members of the community to help us fight these cuts. We demand that Manchester City Council and the Legal Services Commission continue to fund the Law Centre to help us deliver services to the most vulnerable in YOUR community.
0161 225 5111
The law centre’s judicial review of the Legal Services Commission immigration tendering process is to be heard on Monday, 8 November at the Civil Justice Centre, on Bridge Street, next to the peoples history museum.
There will be a protest outside the civil justice centre at 9:30am, before the JR hearing. The hearing is due to start at 10:30.
We would appreciate your attendance at the protest and also in the court for hearing.
So that the Judge hearing the case can see its not just about legal issues: the case is of great importance to the people of Manchester.
We look forward to seeing you there.
For more information on the campaign to keep the Law Centre open go to
South Manchester Law Centre has been providing free legal advice and representation to the Manchester community for the last 35 years.
Our expertise is in Women's rights, Immigration and Asylum Law.
The problem...
The Law Centres ability to provide these services is under threat because of a severe reduction in its funding from both Manchester City Council and the Legal Services Commission. Funding for Welfare Rights, Housing and Employment has already been withdrawn.
The Result...
As you may have guessed, the result of these cuts will be severe. The Law Centre is now faced with closure. This will mean the death of an organisation that has, for 35 years been a pillar of the community, helping the most vulnerable members of society to access advice and and protect their rights. This will leave;•NO Free court representation for employment law or benefits issues
•NO Free Asylum and Immigration advice in South Manchester
•NO Choice of providers for free advice
•NO Law Centres in Manchester
Why we need you...We now need members of the community to help us fight these cuts. We demand that Manchester City Council and the Legal Services Commission continue to fund the Law Centre to help us deliver services to the most vulnerable in YOUR community.
0161 225 5111
Champions for Change in the Workplace TUC Conference Friday 19th November – Bristol
Dear All,
Attached is the November GreenWorkplaces Newsletter. I would like to bring your attention to our forthcoming conference – Champions for Change in the Workplace
Conference – Champions for Change
Friday 19th November – Bristol 10:00 – 3:30
Don’t Miss this!! Places still available – book now!
To register
Please click on and follow this link
For more information please contact Beth
Event Outline
The event will provide unions and reps with enthusiasm and examples of good practice to take back to their workplace. What work has been done so far with the project, what help is needed in the last few months and what reps want left in place when the project finishes.
· Excellent examples of the work done so far
· Benefits of union involvement
· The future possibilities of the project
The conference will look at these issues and more
Kind regards,
Beth Callinan
Project Worker
GreenWorkplaces project
South West TUC
T: 0117 947 0521
F: 0117 947 0523
M: 07771713467
Attached is the November GreenWorkplaces Newsletter. I would like to bring your attention to our forthcoming conference – Champions for Change in the Workplace
Conference – Champions for Change
Friday 19th November – Bristol 10:00 – 3:30
Don’t Miss this!! Places still available – book now!
To register
Please click on and follow this link
For more information please contact Beth
Event Outline
The event will provide unions and reps with enthusiasm and examples of good practice to take back to their workplace. What work has been done so far with the project, what help is needed in the last few months and what reps want left in place when the project finishes.
· Excellent examples of the work done so far
· Benefits of union involvement
· The future possibilities of the project
The conference will look at these issues and more
Kind regards,
Beth Callinan
Project Worker
GreenWorkplaces project
South West TUC
T: 0117 947 0521
F: 0117 947 0523
M: 07771713467
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Darren Johnson, green party member of the London Assembly (he also sits on the London Fire Authority), said: "- horrified that firefighters who were lawfully picketing were injured in this way - there needs to be thorough investigation and I will be tabling a formal question at next Fire Authority meeting for 18 November."
> -----Original Message-----
Sent: 02 November 2010 16:23
> To: gptu
> Subject: [GP-TU] Fire strikers injured
> FBU press release
> 02 November 2010
> A DAY OF SHOCKING VIOLENCE AGAINST LONDON'S FIREFIGHTERS Vehicles driven at speed into three FBU pickets Two strikebreakers arrested
Strikebreaking contractors refuse first aid equipment to the injured Yesterday, three members of the Fire Brigades Union were hit and hurt by speeding vehicles driven by strikebreakers.
First, a Croydon firefighter was hit by a speeding car driven by a
non-union manager at Croydon fire station. FBU president Mick Shaw, who
was there, described what happened.
"A fire engine returned from an incident and drove into the fire
station, its crew refusing to wind down their windows and talk to the
pickets. But at least it drove slowly, at the brigade maximum of five
mph, so that the pickets could get out of the way before they were mown
"It was followed by a car driven by the officers, and as the pickets
tried to talk to the driver of the car, it accelerated suddenly and one of the striking firefighters was thrown up and into the windscreen, then several feet in front of the car.
"We asked the AssetCo employees who had control of our fire station for
the first aid kit and some blankets, but they would not give them to us despite the obviously serious nature of the injuries.
"An ambulance was called at once, and the ambulance crew asked for an
air ambulance. Our member was not able to move during the 25 minutes
between being hit and being taken away in the ambulance."
The LFB manager was arrested at the scene. Mr Shaw and general secretary Matt Wrack intend to visit the member (whose name cannot be given until his family consents) today, Tuesday. It is understood he has injuries to his spleen and spine.
Second, two hours after the strike, Dagenham firefighter Graham Beers
held his hand up at the side of a road in Southwark, to signal to the
crew of a fire engine being returned to Southwark Fire Station that they should stop and speak to him. "The fire engine swerved towards me and hit my hand" says Mr Beers, who suffered a sprained and badly bruised hand.
Third, a fire engine was deliberately driven into the FBU London
representative Ian Leahair, at Southwark fire station. This happened
more than two hours after the strike ended.
There was a huge police presence at Southwark, and FBU members who were
there accepted with cheerful good humour being penned in across the
road, away from the incoming fire engines. Just eight pickets were
Although the strike ended at six, the fire engines did not start coming
until about 8 pm. When they did start coming, the permitted eight
pickets, in the midst of dozens of police officers, stood in front and
asked the drivers to stop while they spoke to them. The first two fire engines stopped, and waited for the two minutes or so the police allowed the eight pickets to try to talk to them, without winding down their windows.
But the third didn't stop. It just kept coming. As the pickets fled
before it, the great, heavy fire engine actually picked up speed, and
hit Ian Leahair and then one of the police officers, before the police
finally persuaded the driver to stop. By then, Ian Leahair's legs and
half his body were underneath the fire engine and he was clearly in
pain. If he had been standing an inch or so further left, his legs would have been crushed under the fire engine's wheels.
FBU pickets yelled at the driver to reverse, but he would not do so
until instructed to do so by the police. The police officer, we
understand, had a bruised leg. Ian Leahair has injured ribs. He was
pulled out and helped to the side of the road.
The fire engine was deliberately driven at the pickets. There was no
reason to do this. The driver cannot have felt in any way intimidated.
He could see at least 50 police officers who would have protected him,
had any violence been offered, which it was not.
After that, the police handled the arrival of the rest of the fire
engines very differently. They decided, with great fairness, that they
were not going to stop the picketing because a driver had endangered the pickets. So police officers themselves stopped the fire engines, gave the pickets their couple of minutes, then cleared the way for the
The police, in effect, began to protect the pickets from the
strikebreakers. It was the police who ensured the right to lawful
FBU general secretary Matt Wrack said today: "This has been a day of
shocking violence directed at London's firefighters. "An incredible pattern seems to be emerging. It looks as though the private company hired to do our work has instructed its drivers to drive
fast through picket lines. We ended the day in the extraordinary
situation where the police had to protect striking firefighters from
recklessly speeding vehicles, which were driven by those paid to break
the strike.
"If our people had done a fraction of what they did, there would be
inflammatory and self-righteous condemnation from the London Fire
Brigade, and no doubt it would find something else from the personnel
files to feed to its friends in right wing newspapers. But they have not even condemned what happened. Can it possibly be that they do not care about the danger in which their contractor has placed their LFB's own employees? Could they, incredibly, even be a party to decisions which have led to this? They have brought hired thugs into London who have driven around at speed with their faces hidden by balaclavas in an
attempt to menace and intimidate our members. Tragically three of our
members have been injured as a result. I wonder whether the Prime
Minister, Boris Johnson and the others who have spent the past week
condemning the FBU for our industrial action will now condemn this
violence against us."
> Francis Beckett 020 8349 9194 or 07813 001372 Helen Hague 07889 792360 or 020 8340 5571
> The information in this email may contain confidential or privileged
> materials.
> Please read the full email notice at
> -----Original Message-----
Sent: 02 November 2010 16:23
> To: gptu
> Subject: [GP-TU] Fire strikers injured
> FBU press release
> 02 November 2010
> A DAY OF SHOCKING VIOLENCE AGAINST LONDON'S FIREFIGHTERS Vehicles driven at speed into three FBU pickets Two strikebreakers arrested
Strikebreaking contractors refuse first aid equipment to the injured Yesterday, three members of the Fire Brigades Union were hit and hurt by speeding vehicles driven by strikebreakers.
First, a Croydon firefighter was hit by a speeding car driven by a
non-union manager at Croydon fire station. FBU president Mick Shaw, who
was there, described what happened.
"A fire engine returned from an incident and drove into the fire
station, its crew refusing to wind down their windows and talk to the
pickets. But at least it drove slowly, at the brigade maximum of five
mph, so that the pickets could get out of the way before they were mown
"It was followed by a car driven by the officers, and as the pickets
tried to talk to the driver of the car, it accelerated suddenly and one of the striking firefighters was thrown up and into the windscreen, then several feet in front of the car.
"We asked the AssetCo employees who had control of our fire station for
the first aid kit and some blankets, but they would not give them to us despite the obviously serious nature of the injuries.
"An ambulance was called at once, and the ambulance crew asked for an
air ambulance. Our member was not able to move during the 25 minutes
between being hit and being taken away in the ambulance."
The LFB manager was arrested at the scene. Mr Shaw and general secretary Matt Wrack intend to visit the member (whose name cannot be given until his family consents) today, Tuesday. It is understood he has injuries to his spleen and spine.
Second, two hours after the strike, Dagenham firefighter Graham Beers
held his hand up at the side of a road in Southwark, to signal to the
crew of a fire engine being returned to Southwark Fire Station that they should stop and speak to him. "The fire engine swerved towards me and hit my hand" says Mr Beers, who suffered a sprained and badly bruised hand.
Third, a fire engine was deliberately driven into the FBU London
representative Ian Leahair, at Southwark fire station. This happened
more than two hours after the strike ended.
There was a huge police presence at Southwark, and FBU members who were
there accepted with cheerful good humour being penned in across the
road, away from the incoming fire engines. Just eight pickets were
Although the strike ended at six, the fire engines did not start coming
until about 8 pm. When they did start coming, the permitted eight
pickets, in the midst of dozens of police officers, stood in front and
asked the drivers to stop while they spoke to them. The first two fire engines stopped, and waited for the two minutes or so the police allowed the eight pickets to try to talk to them, without winding down their windows.
But the third didn't stop. It just kept coming. As the pickets fled
before it, the great, heavy fire engine actually picked up speed, and
hit Ian Leahair and then one of the police officers, before the police
finally persuaded the driver to stop. By then, Ian Leahair's legs and
half his body were underneath the fire engine and he was clearly in
pain. If he had been standing an inch or so further left, his legs would have been crushed under the fire engine's wheels.
FBU pickets yelled at the driver to reverse, but he would not do so
until instructed to do so by the police. The police officer, we
understand, had a bruised leg. Ian Leahair has injured ribs. He was
pulled out and helped to the side of the road.
The fire engine was deliberately driven at the pickets. There was no
reason to do this. The driver cannot have felt in any way intimidated.
He could see at least 50 police officers who would have protected him,
had any violence been offered, which it was not.
After that, the police handled the arrival of the rest of the fire
engines very differently. They decided, with great fairness, that they
were not going to stop the picketing because a driver had endangered the pickets. So police officers themselves stopped the fire engines, gave the pickets their couple of minutes, then cleared the way for the
The police, in effect, began to protect the pickets from the
strikebreakers. It was the police who ensured the right to lawful
FBU general secretary Matt Wrack said today: "This has been a day of
shocking violence directed at London's firefighters. "An incredible pattern seems to be emerging. It looks as though the private company hired to do our work has instructed its drivers to drive
fast through picket lines. We ended the day in the extraordinary
situation where the police had to protect striking firefighters from
recklessly speeding vehicles, which were driven by those paid to break
the strike.
"If our people had done a fraction of what they did, there would be
inflammatory and self-righteous condemnation from the London Fire
Brigade, and no doubt it would find something else from the personnel
files to feed to its friends in right wing newspapers. But they have not even condemned what happened. Can it possibly be that they do not care about the danger in which their contractor has placed their LFB's own employees? Could they, incredibly, even be a party to decisions which have led to this? They have brought hired thugs into London who have driven around at speed with their faces hidden by balaclavas in an
attempt to menace and intimidate our members. Tragically three of our
members have been injured as a result. I wonder whether the Prime
Minister, Boris Johnson and the others who have spent the past week
condemning the FBU for our industrial action will now condemn this
violence against us."
> Francis Beckett 020 8349 9194 or 07813 001372 Helen Hague 07889 792360 or 020 8340 5571
> The information in this email may contain confidential or privileged
> materials.
> Please read the full email notice at
Monday, 1 November 2010
1 November, 2010
Filed under: green party, FBU, Trade Unions — admin @ 10:10 am
Letter to Fire Brigades Union
I am sending you the support of the Green Party Trade Union Group who decided at our committee meeting to totally support the London fire strike and the struggle of the FBU against the draconian measures being introduced by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority and the threat of sackings. We stand
in solidarity with you and hope that your industrial action will bring the employers to the table for further negotiations and that they will end their attempts to settle this dispute under duress.
Members of the Green Party and Green Party Trade Union Group will be joining picket lines across London on November 1st and on the 5th and 6th of November.
In Solidarity
Joseph Healy
Green Party Trade Union Group
1 November, 2010
Filed under: green party, FBU, Trade Unions — admin @ 10:10 am
Letter to Fire Brigades Union
I am sending you the support of the Green Party Trade Union Group who decided at our committee meeting to totally support the London fire strike and the struggle of the FBU against the draconian measures being introduced by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority and the threat of sackings. We stand
in solidarity with you and hope that your industrial action will bring the employers to the table for further negotiations and that they will end their attempts to settle this dispute under duress.
Members of the Green Party and Green Party Trade Union Group will be joining picket lines across London on November 1st and on the 5th and 6th of November.
In Solidarity
Joseph Healy
Green Party Trade Union Group
Anti Cuts Protests November 2010
Protests: Ongoing
Check UK Uncut for news of further tax protests against Vodafone. UK Uncut:
Background info:
Tuesday 2rd November
Barnet – Lobby of Council from 6pm, Hendon Town Hall. Called by Barnet TUC.
Saturday, 6th November
Taunton – Defend Public Services March and Rally. Assemble French Weir at 10.30 am. Organised by Taunton Trades Union Council.
Wigan Town Centre Rally from 12 noon:
Meetings and organising events:
Monday 1st November
Bristol and District Anti-Cuts Alliance Open Planning Meeting, Barton Hill Primary School, 7pm. and
Tuesday 2nd November
North Sussex and East Surrey Tuc Meeting:
Crawley Anti Cuts Coalition Public Meeting:
Wednesday 3rd November
Bracknell Defend Our Community Services Public Meeting:
Tyne and Wear Coalition of Resistance public meeting:
North Wales against the Cuts. Wrexham Lager Social Club 8-9pm. Open Meeting.
Saturday 6th November
Scottish Anti Cuts Alliances open meeting. 1pm at Glasgow City Unison Branch, 4th Flr, 18 Albion St, Glasgow.
SERTUC Conference, Congress House, London:
Falkirk TUC “There is a Better Way” Campaign Event, Camelon:
South Lanarkshire TUC’s “There is a Better Way” Campaign Event, Blantyre Miners Welfare, Blantyre:
Check UK Uncut for news of further tax protests against Vodafone. UK Uncut:
Background info:
Tuesday 2rd November
Barnet – Lobby of Council from 6pm, Hendon Town Hall. Called by Barnet TUC.
Saturday, 6th November
Taunton – Defend Public Services March and Rally. Assemble French Weir at 10.30 am. Organised by Taunton Trades Union Council.
Wigan Town Centre Rally from 12 noon:
Meetings and organising events:
Monday 1st November
Bristol and District Anti-Cuts Alliance Open Planning Meeting, Barton Hill Primary School, 7pm. and
Tuesday 2nd November
North Sussex and East Surrey Tuc Meeting:
Crawley Anti Cuts Coalition Public Meeting:
Wednesday 3rd November
Bracknell Defend Our Community Services Public Meeting:
Tyne and Wear Coalition of Resistance public meeting:
North Wales against the Cuts. Wrexham Lager Social Club 8-9pm. Open Meeting.
Saturday 6th November
Scottish Anti Cuts Alliances open meeting. 1pm at Glasgow City Unison Branch, 4th Flr, 18 Albion St, Glasgow.
SERTUC Conference, Congress House, London:
Falkirk TUC “There is a Better Way” Campaign Event, Camelon:
South Lanarkshire TUC’s “There is a Better Way” Campaign Event, Blantyre Miners Welfare, Blantyre:
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Million Climate Jobs pamphlet and website launched today
From: "martin empson"
Dear all,
The new, expanded and updated edition of the "Million Climate Jobs - Solving the Economic and Environmental Crises" pamphlet was launched at a public meeting in parliament today. We hope to circulate a report of the event as soon as possible.
Also launched today is the campaign's new website
You can download an electronic version of the pamphlet from the site, as well as the supporting technical documentation. In the next few days we hope to upload video footage of tonights launch meeting. The site will also be regularly updated with news, articles and events of interest to Trade Unionists and Environmentalists campaigning over climate change - check back often!
Hard copies of the pamphlet can be ordered from Bookmarks, the TUC booksellers. There are discounts for bulk orders - see attached order form.
Many different individuals and organisations have played a role in getting this new edition out, there are too many to thank individually, but I wanted to record my thanks to everyone involved.
I hope you enjoy the new pamphlet and the new website
Martin EmpsonTreasurer, Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union group
079 585 35231
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
"Million Climate Jobs Now: Solving the economic and environmental crises"
Just a reminder that the updated and expanded version of the "Million Climate Jobs Now: Solving the economic and environmental crises" is being launched at the House of Commons this Thursday.
Speakers include: Caroline Lucas MP, John McDonnell MP, Chris Baugh (PCS Ass. General Secretary) and Jonathan Neale, editor of the pamphlet. They will be joined by Phillip Pearson, senior policy officer responsible for green issues at the TUC.
The meeting takes place in Committee Room 6 of the House of Commons from 6pm - 8pm. Please allow extra time to access the HoC through their security checks.
The new edition of the pamphlet will be available at the meeting. You can also purchase it from Bookmarks, the TUC's official bookshop at 1, Bloomsbury Street, WC1B 3QE.
A flyer is attached. You can also publicise the event virtually by inviting your Facebook friends here.
Martin Empson
Treasurer, Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union group
079 585 35231
Speakers include: Caroline Lucas MP, John McDonnell MP, Chris Baugh (PCS Ass. General Secretary) and Jonathan Neale, editor of the pamphlet. They will be joined by Phillip Pearson, senior policy officer responsible for green issues at the TUC.
The meeting takes place in Committee Room 6 of the House of Commons from 6pm - 8pm. Please allow extra time to access the HoC through their security checks.
The new edition of the pamphlet will be available at the meeting. You can also purchase it from Bookmarks, the TUC's official bookshop at 1, Bloomsbury Street, WC1B 3QE.
A flyer is attached. You can also publicise the event virtually by inviting your Facebook friends here.
Martin Empson
Treasurer, Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union group
079 585 35231
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Support for Tube strikes
Passenger safety is under serious threat as London Underground (LU) cuts safety-critical maintenance checks and announces job cuts of almost 800 staff. Yet, in the past few weeks, there have been 2 fires in the Tube and a runaway train near-disaster on the Northern Line.
In July, automatic smoke detection systems at Euston failed to sound the alarm when a fire started on an escalator. The station was only evacuated through the experience and vigilance of station-based staff. But their jobs are among the 800 that LU proposes to cut.
London Fire Brigade has formally raised the failure of fire detection systems to activate in an internal incident report.
The incident has close parallels with the Kings Cross disaster of 1987 that was caused by mechanical friction in the closed chamber underneath an escalator that ignited accumulated dust. An earlier fire in 1984 at Oxford Circus station was probably caused by a build- up of flammable materials in a contractors store.
CATP supports the RMT and TSSA’s demands on safety and jobs : Boris Johnson should call an immediate halt to the station job cuts programme and there should be a full, external investigation into fire detection systems on escalators across the Tube network.
CATP also expresses its horror at the runaway train incident on August 13th at the start of the morning rush-hour. An engineering train leaving Archway broke from a failed emergency coupling. A collision with a passenger train was narrowly avoided just before quarter to 7am by quick-thinking staff in the central coordination unit. Overnight works on the Northern Line are the responsibility of Tube Lines (still managed by a private firm, despite having been bought by Transport for London).
LU fleet maintenance staff voted for action short-of-strike, after LU announced plans to double the length of time between safety-critical train inspections from 14 to 28 days. Managers are now ignoring safety agreements.
LU proposes cuts of almost 800 jobs – including station staff and 450 ticket office staff. They claim this will save £16m, but the overtime ban has already cost them £15m! The RMT tabled alternative cost saving proposals, including setting a maximum wage to curb “fat cat” salaries (the Commissioner of Transport received £393,551 last year), etc. But LU feel they cannot afford front-line jobs or regular maintenance. So, after many attempts at discussion, RMT and TSSA balloted their members for strike action. As passengers, we support action to defend our safety and security.
CATP asks passengers to:
• raise the issues in your local union branch or community group
• contact Boris Johnson at City Hall or
• contact your member for the GLA at City Hall, Queen’s Walk, SE1 2AA
• Join CATP supporters in leafleting a Tube station near you. Call Dave on
0207 837 3886 to find out where leafleting is organised or go to
Passenger safety is under serious threat as London Underground (LU) cuts safety-critical maintenance checks and announces job cuts of almost 800 staff. Yet, in the past few weeks, there have been 2 fires in the Tube and a runaway train near-disaster on the Northern Line.
In July, automatic smoke detection systems at Euston failed to sound the alarm when a fire started on an escalator. The station was only evacuated through the experience and vigilance of station-based staff. But their jobs are among the 800 that LU proposes to cut.
London Fire Brigade has formally raised the failure of fire detection systems to activate in an internal incident report.
The incident has close parallels with the Kings Cross disaster of 1987 that was caused by mechanical friction in the closed chamber underneath an escalator that ignited accumulated dust. An earlier fire in 1984 at Oxford Circus station was probably caused by a build- up of flammable materials in a contractors store.
CATP supports the RMT and TSSA’s demands on safety and jobs : Boris Johnson should call an immediate halt to the station job cuts programme and there should be a full, external investigation into fire detection systems on escalators across the Tube network.
CATP also expresses its horror at the runaway train incident on August 13th at the start of the morning rush-hour. An engineering train leaving Archway broke from a failed emergency coupling. A collision with a passenger train was narrowly avoided just before quarter to 7am by quick-thinking staff in the central coordination unit. Overnight works on the Northern Line are the responsibility of Tube Lines (still managed by a private firm, despite having been bought by Transport for London).
LU fleet maintenance staff voted for action short-of-strike, after LU announced plans to double the length of time between safety-critical train inspections from 14 to 28 days. Managers are now ignoring safety agreements.
LU proposes cuts of almost 800 jobs – including station staff and 450 ticket office staff. They claim this will save £16m, but the overtime ban has already cost them £15m! The RMT tabled alternative cost saving proposals, including setting a maximum wage to curb “fat cat” salaries (the Commissioner of Transport received £393,551 last year), etc. But LU feel they cannot afford front-line jobs or regular maintenance. So, after many attempts at discussion, RMT and TSSA balloted their members for strike action. As passengers, we support action to defend our safety and security.
CATP asks passengers to:
• raise the issues in your local union branch or community group
• contact Boris Johnson at City Hall or
• contact your member for the GLA at City Hall, Queen’s Walk, SE1 2AA
• Join CATP supporters in leafleting a Tube station near you. Call Dave on
0207 837 3886 to find out where leafleting is organised or go to
Friday, 17 September 2010
"1 Million Green Jobs".new version of the pamphlet will be launched on Thursday 14th October
This week the Trades Union Congress agreed to support the call for "1 Million Green Jobs". Over the last year, our pamphlet has sold thousands of copies in the Trade Union and environmental movement arguing the case for Climate Jobs.
A new, updated and expanded version of this pamphlet is about to be re-launched. This will take account of the government cuts agenda and argue that Climate Jobs can solve the economic and environmental crises we face.
The new version of the pamphlet will be launched on Thursday 14th October, 6pm-8pm in Committee Room 10 of the House of Commons.
Speakers are: Caroline Lucas MP, John McDonnell MP, Chris Baugh (Assistant Gen. Sec PCS) and Jonathan Neale editor of the pamphlet. Chairing will be Suzanne Jeffrey of the Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union group.
Please publicise and distribute this through your networks.
Martin EmpsonTreasurer, Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union group
079 585 35231
Thursday, 16 September 2010
PCS report on tuc (1m Green Jobs etc)
Green jobs and high pay commission
Government should do more to create green jobs
PCS delegate Adam Khalif spoke to composite motion C7 – climate change - which called for more action from the government to promote low carbon energy. Adam highlighted the work PCS has been doing to combat climate change, particularly in support of the motion’s aim to create one million green jobs.
PCS are encouraging activism amongst our members around green issues
He said: “PCS are encouraging activism amongst our members around green issues encouraging our bargaining groups to appoint green lead reps in order to identify good and bad progress, monitor progress and develop a network of green reps.”
He went on to say that PCS has worked with other unions, a range of academics and NGO’s to expand the ‘One Million Climate Jobs’ pamphlet which is being launched next month. He said that it shows how creating a million climate jobs is both technically feasible and affordable and argues for public investment in renewable energy that exploits the natural wind and wave resources of the UK.
The motion was carried unanimously.
TUC should create shadow high pay commission
Motion 27 – high pay commission - called for congress to set up a shadow ‘High Pay Commission’ that would expand on the work being done by the coalition government’s commission that only looks at high pay in the public sector.
Speaking to the motion, PCS delegate Dee Luxford said that ideally the commission would look at the whole of the earnings distribution and not just the top and diagnose why the middle and the bottom fall so far behind. She stated that 63% of civil servants earn less than £25,000 per year.
Dee warned that the unions cannot just sit back and watch the high pay commission and that we must expand on its work. “If they are not prepared to look at the economy as a whole,” she said, “then we must do it for them.”
The motion was passed unanimously.
PCS tax justice argument persuasive according to Bank of England governor
Guest speaker Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England addressed congress and took questions from delegates. Janice Godrich, PCS president, posed a question about closing the loopholes that allow tax avoidance and whether we should increase rather than cut HMRC staff to tackle the tax gap.
Mervyn King responded by saying, “It would be wrong for him to comment on tax policy,” but adding, “I hear your points and they sound persuasive.”
TUC motion on Climate Change (passed at congress 2010)
C7 Climate change
Composite of motion 31 and amendments
Congress agrees that the overwhelming body of scientific opinion supports the conclusion that climate change is real and significantly attributable to human activity. The Copenhagen climate change summit made clear that a step change in policy is needed to deliver the necessary emissions reductions to curtail dangerous climate change.
Congress further agrees that sustainability not profit should be the determining factor in measuring a successful recovery from the current economic crisis.
As recognised by the Committee on Climate Change, ‘a road map to decarbonise the power sector is key to wider economy decarbonisation’. Congress is therefore disappointed that, although making supportive statements, the coalition Government has delayed key decisions that would ensure a secure and balanced low carbon energy supply for the UK. Evidence in the recent TUC/EIUG report revealed uncertain policy frameworks’ impact on energy prices and green investment in energy-intensive sectors. Urgent action is needed, including:
- reforms to support a stable floor price for carbon
- a regulatory framework that encourages investment in staff and skills as well as infrastructure renewal
- strategic government support to stimulate innovation and UK supply chains
- pursuit of a binding global carbon reduction agreement to prevent carbon leakage.
Congress calls on the General Council to pursue these objectives as part of an active industrial strategy that also prioritises investment in high quality green jobs and skills in energy-intensive industries to increase efficiency and enable a positive contribution to a low-carbon economy.
Congress instructs the General Council to:
- seek early meetings with Government ministers to emphasise the need for early progress to decarbonise energy production and to establish an ongoing basis for consultation with relevant unions
- lobby for regulatory reform in order to support low carbon investment
- press for a more pro-active approach to promote development of skills to support sustainable development
- support a campaign for 1 million green jobs that would create employment that delivers in areas of need, i.e. transport, housing and energy and has positive environmental impact.
Mover: Prospect
Seconder: Communication Workers’ Union
Seconder: Communication Workers’ Union
Supporter: Community
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Model motion: Nov 6 demo against racism, fascism, Islamophobia
UAF, our sister organisation Love Music Hate Racism and the Muslim Council of Britain have called a national march to end with a carnival on Saturday 6 November.
The demo is backed by the TUC – now we want to ensure as many local trade union branches and community organisations as possible give their backing. Pass this model motion to support the demo.
support the demo
If your trade union branch or community group would like to support the march and carnival, pass this model motion:
This union/organisation notes
1) The rise of racism and fascism across Europe.
2) Organisations like the English Defence League terrorising communities across Britain.
3) The dramatic rise of Islamophobia.
This union/organisation resolves
1) To support the UAF/MCB march and carnival on 6 November 2010.
2) To donate £ …………… to Unite Against Fascism to help pay for the cost of organising the event.
The demo is backed by the TUC – now we want to ensure as many local trade union branches and community organisations as possible give their backing. Pass this model motion to support the demo.
support the demo
If your trade union branch or community group would like to support the march and carnival, pass this model motion:
This union/organisation notes
1) The rise of racism and fascism across Europe.
2) Organisations like the English Defence League terrorising communities across Britain.
3) The dramatic rise of Islamophobia.
This union/organisation resolves
1) To support the UAF/MCB march and carnival on 6 November 2010.
2) To donate £ …………… to Unite Against Fascism to help pay for the cost of organising the event.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Bananas at Finsbury Park! Support for RMT strike
Please send in short reports of yr experiences at the picket lines throughout London this morning.For example:
In the morning rush hour, we went Bananas at Finsbury Park! There are outrageous legal restrictions on official pickets, but these do not apply to CATP supporters so we were able to distribute leaflets far and wide to passengers explaining why the strike was happening. Local cafes and shops were also happy to display leaflets.
Bus workers and passengers clearly understand that our safety on the Tube as well as hundreds of jobs are under severe threat. The public's solidarity with RMT & TSSA's united fight was extraordinary.
CATP supporters re-fuelled ourselves and union comrades with bananas and cups of coffee. Unity is strength in every possible way!
In Solidarity,
for CATP
Friday, 3 September 2010
> Wednesday October 20
> 5.00pm-6.45pm
Outside the Government Office of the West Midlands 5 St Philips Place (off Colmore Row, by the Cathedral)
The Government will be announcing its planned cuts in the Comprehensive Spending Review on this day so come along and join the protest.
The West Midlands has some of the worst unemployment in the country and the government cuts already announced are making it worse. We need to fight back and to unite in the face of these attacks.
The People's Charter
> Birmingham Conference
> Saturday October 23
> 10.00am - 4.00pm
> The Council House, Victoria Square Birmingham
> A day of debate and planning against the cuts and for an alternative Britain. Confirmed speakers include Tony Benn and John Hendy QC
> More details to follow.
> Further information please contact
Birmingham People's Charter, c/o Birmingham TUC, Allison Street, Birmingham
> /Every day is a little revolution./
> Wednesday October 20
> 5.00pm-6.45pm
Outside the Government Office of the West Midlands 5 St Philips Place (off Colmore Row, by the Cathedral)
The Government will be announcing its planned cuts in the Comprehensive Spending Review on this day so come along and join the protest.
The West Midlands has some of the worst unemployment in the country and the government cuts already announced are making it worse. We need to fight back and to unite in the face of these attacks.
The People's Charter
> Birmingham Conference
> Saturday October 23
> 10.00am - 4.00pm
> The Council House, Victoria Square Birmingham
> A day of debate and planning against the cuts and for an alternative Britain. Confirmed speakers include Tony Benn and John Hendy QC
> More details to follow.
> Further information please contact
Birmingham People's Charter, c/o Birmingham TUC, Allison Street, Birmingham
> /Every day is a little revolution./
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
RMT tube strike ballot & CATP (Campaign Against Tube Privatisation) support
Your help is urgently required to help distribute CATP leaflet and RMT post card at the following times/places. Please let me know if you can come and to which session. Remember the first 24hour strike starts evening of Mon, 6th Sept ,2010
8-9.30am Archway Tube THURS, 2nd Sept
8-9.30am Kings X Tube FRIDAY,3rd Sept
8.30-9.30 Stratford Tube MON, 6th Sept
This is just the initial bout of leafletting. Please let us know your local station and we can get other CATP supporters to come and help you leaflet!
In Solidarity,
Jan (
8-9.30am Archway Tube THURS, 2nd Sept
8-9.30am Kings X Tube FRIDAY,3rd Sept
8.30-9.30 Stratford Tube MON, 6th Sept
This is just the initial bout of leafletting. Please let us know your local station and we can get other CATP supporters to come and help you leaflet!
In Solidarity,
Jan (
Monday, 16 August 2010
Help us build the Coalition of Resistance against cuts and privatisation
Thank you for adding your name to the Coalition of Resistance
statement. Support in our first week has been incredible,
with well over 3,500 people pledging their names and offering
support. Other people signing this week include comedian and
activist Mark Thomas, Andrew Murray, chair of the Stop the War
Coalition, writer A L Kennedy and actor Roger Lloyd Pack.
What you can do to help:
1. Ask everyone you know to sign the statement - available here. A printed version with a sign up sheet is available here.
2. There's a planning meeting for the Coalition of Resistance at 7pm on Thursday, 2 September, in University of London Union, Malet St, London WC1E 7HY. Please try to attend. We'll be holding other meetings around the country - details to follow shortly.
3. Set up a local Coalition of Resistance meeting, with everyone who wants to oppose the cuts invited. We can supply speakers nationally to help build the campaign in your local area. Let us know what events you have organised.
4. We'll email you with details and a booking form for the 27th November conference soon.
5. Get your trade union branch, tenants' association, anti-cuts group, pensioners' association, club or society to back the statement.
6. Make a donation to the campaign. Cheques should be made out to "Coalition of Resistance", and mailed to Coalition of Resistance, c/o Housman's Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX.
Urgently required: Web and Media volunteers
If you can help us develop our website or would like to get involved in producing and adding content - whether written, photography, images or video please contact us.Contact details
Phone: Andrew on 07939 242229
The meeting on September 2nd is only for London activists and those within range of London. The national conference will be on November 27th.
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