Minutes GPTU meeting 18/11/2015
1. Apologies: Lesley
Anne Baxter. Keiron Merrett
2. Minutes GPTU meeting
7/10/2015, Agreed for accuracy.
3. Matters arising
a) Skype training
b) National Gallery
dispute: Candy Unwin reinstated, but privatisation still taking place and other
museums may also be privatising.
c) Contact Will
Duckworth re Kiwi and Lime complaint (email sent).
Contact Conferences committee re OPT at spring
conference.( I have asked by GPTU to ask Conferences committee whether the Optimum Population Trust
(aka Population Matters) will be allowed to have a stall or
a fringe meeting at Green Party spring conference 2016. Thank
you for any information you can give GPTU on this matter.)
London Federation of Green Party’s
AGM 9/10/2015. P.Murry elected London TULO.
27 Feb 2016 |
London | Stop Trident national demonstration (memo sent to Conferences committee asking to avoid clash.)
The following remains unresolved: will there be a move to democratically accountable Labour
Councillors? and will GPEW be able to match this?( SEE http://londongreenleft.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/labour-signals-end-to-dented-shield.html)
3. Officers’
i. Secretary:
Routine duties, drafting Leaflet on
Anti-tu bill featuring Caroline Lucas’ quotes Leaflet redesigned by Louise Venn available
at http://gptublog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/gptu-trade-union-bill-leaflet.html (1st ed hard copies available from
P.Murry and 2nd ed at http://gptublog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/green-party-anti-anti-tu-law-leaflet.html .
spoke from floor a leafleted an Anti TU bill Brent meeting. GPTU
stall at TUC Anti TU bill rally and lobby of Parliament 2/11. spoke at NE
London Anti TU bill conference 14/11 11am-3.30pm Saturday 14 November, Harold
Road Centre, 170 Harold Road, London E13 0SJ
ii. Treasurer
Balance of takings from Pluto book sales at conference paid therefore funds are
now £164.79
iii. Membership.
iv. National
TULO planning/ preparing tainging sessions/fringes at spring conference 2016
4. GP
conference spring 2016
A gptu fringe Secretary to apply for slot for GPTU AGM
D Possible Conference Motions see GP members’ site deadline 30/11/2015
5. Upcoming
and recent disputes etc.
a) Paaa
October 4th Demo Manchester (gl meeting on 3/10) Secretary assisted with
Manchester GP stall
b) Paris
Cop December 2015, Main demo cancelled due to state of emergency, although some
possible mini demos on 12/12. Contact ccc for up to date information http://www.campaigncc.org/paris
d) London demo climate change demo 29/11 announced
at t London federation meeting that the green block will assemble on
the corner of Deanery St and Park Lane (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Deanery+St,+Mayfair,+London+W1K/@51.5084397,-0.1583489,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x4876052e346c8f1d:0xb4e727bd39fc113a )
nearest tube Hyde Park., from 10.30 am the had some placards and
sticks(c100?). there will be 3 Labour blocks, Corbyn may be speaking,
Z.Goldsmith won't
training session for stewards etc gpew holywell office nr old st
10-12 21/11
placard making 26/11 at FoE hq southwark
contact Hugo De Armas EstevezéRe ,
e) London
Federation of Green Party’s reorganisation and personnel changes: reorganisation
proposals drafted by co-chairs considered but LF Officers’ on 11/11 and a
redraft is being prepared, (nb originally could have involved removal of TULO
and bme representation). C.Allen resigned as co-chair, T.Chance will also resign.
There will be an election for chair.
f) recount of London
assembly candidates took place due to errors in first count gl list selection order
now is:
Berry. 2. Caroline Russell 3. Shahrar Ali 4. Jonathan Bartley 5. Noel Lynch 6.
Rashid Nix 7. Tom Chance 8. Dee Searle 9. Benali Hamdache 10. Andrea Carey
Fuller 11. RoseMary Warrington Reserves 12. Peter Underwood 13. Michael Gold
14. Barry Cooper
g) Scottish gptu message
sent (The Trade Union Group of the Green
Party of England and Wales is delighted to hear that the Scottish Green Party
is establishing its own Trade Union Group . We regard this as a very positive development,
especially in view of the current legal assaults on Trades Unions
proposed by the government. We hope to be able to co-operate and exchange
information and ideas with the Scottish Green Party Trade Union Group .)
h) ) SOAs joint UCU/Unison unofficial strike action had resulted in the
reinstatement of a sacked Unison steward.
i) Bridgewater postmen unofficial strike action had resulted in the
reinstatement of a sacked disabled postal worker.
j) John Roan NUT* strike action over
curriculum issues, message of solidarity from GPTU at http://gptublog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/green-party-trade-union-group-sends-its.html
for further info contact www.thejohnroannut.org
k) Barnet Unison*message of solidarity sent from GPTU see http://gptublog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/the-green-party-trade-union-group-sends.html
l) Thanks to William
Quick for info on Bristol anti tu bill and NUS protests see http://gptublog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/bristol-killthebill-nhs-right2strike.html
q) PAAA, Downing st demo
24/11 PAAA National conference 5/12
m) Peoples Assembly demos (mainly 24&25/11)
see http://gptublog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/protest-autumn-statement-tories-can-be.html
n) Peoples Assembly
National conference 5/12 Saturday 5 December 2015, 10am - 5pm Friends Meeting
House, Euston Road, London, book at http://www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/events contact Livio Pavone lllpav212@gmail.com
for details of GP involvement
6. Gptu Media
a) New website design suggested but it is also being suggested that we should
use GP template and server instead (see a suggested new design attached) ask Keiron
Merrett to proceed with new design.
b) Move GPTU forum to
National Forums on GP website
7 Next GPTU meeting 7.00pm Weds 20h January
2016, Development House.
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