Hi Flotsams and Jetsams
Welcome to the latest of our occasional Rising Tide UK Newsletters with details of stuff to go to!
Sunday September 13th 2015,
We’re announcing “Open Season” with the Art Not Oil Coalition www.artnotoil.org.uk
Please join us and SAVE THE DATE for a mass creative protest against big oil!
Maybe even a festivoil?
It’s time to step things up. The day will finish with a grand finale where different groups will gather for a mass performance and we’ll send you more details of that closer to the time. Get the date in your diaries. We'll be doing a more public announcement about this later, so please don't post it on social media yet, so we can make a proper splash about it closer to the time - thanks!
2) July 9-12 (Thurs-Sun),BREAKING THE FRAME 2: Second Gathering on the Politics of Technology
Unstone Grange, Nr. Dronfield, Derbyshire.
Organised by Luddites200, Rising Tide UK and others.
With just over a week to go to the Breaking the Frame2 Gathering there are still a few places left, but book soon if you want a bed rather than your tent! We have an exciting programme with speakers from campaign groups, academics and writers. Breaking the Frame is not just another summer gathering (although there will be plenty of time to relax and enjoy yourself) - it's an innovative effort to rethink our approach to the crucial issue of technology, by learning from each other and drawing on everyone's insights and experience. Neither is it just another political event focused on problems - we will be thinking together about how to gain democratic control of technology and what sort of future we want. So, if you care about the politics of technology, whether it's GM food, surveillance, renewable energy, women and digital technology, or designer babies; whether you're a technology politics campaigner, trade unionist, environmentalist, critical scientist, developer of alternative technology, artist or plain concerned citizen; Breaking the Frame2 is not to be missed. Come and help us change the debate on technology.
To book online, go to www.breakingtheframe.org.uk/BTF2015 (or download the booking form and post it to us smartish!). There are concessionary rates for those on low income. Contact info@breakingtheframe.org.uk or call 020 7426 0005
To book online, go to www.breakingtheframe.org.uk/
For more on the ideas behind the gathering go to http://breakingtheframe.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Ideas-behind-the-gathering.pdf .
3) 19th-24th August, 2015 (Wed-Mon)EARTH FIRST SUMMER GATHERING
At a rural site in the Derbyshire Peak District (TBC)The EF! Summer Gathering is 5 days of workshops, networking and planning actions at a low impact eco-living camp organised non-hierarchically. It's run without leaders by everyone who comes along, so come prepared to chip in! Five days of skill-sharing for grassroots ecological direct action - make links, share ideas, and get involved in the struggles against fracking, new roads and more. The Gathering will be camping at a rural site (accessible by public transport) so you'll need to bring a tent, sleeping bag, torch and suchlike. Meals are provided by the Gathering's collective kitchen and there'll be a snack shop. Everyone is crew, so the site, including toilets and running water, will be run by us all. Contact : summergathering@earthfirst.org.uk
That's all for now so fill in 13th September in your diary and go and get your tent ready!
3) 19th-24th August, 2015 (Wed-Mon)EARTH FIRST SUMMER GATHERING
At a rural site in the Derbyshire Peak District (TBC)The EF! Summer Gathering is 5 days of workshops, networking and planning actions at a low impact eco-living camp organised non-hierarchically. It's run without leaders by everyone who comes along, so come prepared to chip in! Five days of skill-sharing for grassroots ecological direct action - make links, share ideas, and get involved in the struggles against fracking, new roads and more. The Gathering will be camping at a rural site (accessible by public transport) so you'll need to bring a tent, sleeping bag, torch and suchlike. Meals are provided by the Gathering's collective kitchen and there'll be a snack shop. Everyone is crew, so the site, including toilets and running water, will be run by us all. Contact : summergathering@earthfirst.
That's all for now so fill in 13th September in your diary and go and get your tent ready!
Rising Tide UK,
c/o 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, LONDON E1 1ES
Tel: 07708 794665