Rail actions - received today 1st and 13th August are key dates

"The UK already has some of the most expensive train fares in the world, but the rail companies plan to continue to hike the prices up, well above inflation. Over the next six years train operating companies are embarking upon a new programme of cost-cutting (refer to the McNulty report http://www.networkrail.co.uk/aspx/12658.aspx ) that could see:
- over 20,000 railway jobs put at risk,
- the closure of 675 ticket offices and
- a 50% increase in the number of unstaffed stations.
Are you, as a climate activist, willing to help campaigns for better RAILWAYS?
1 August East Coast Main Line
The focus on 1 August is Keep East Coast Main Line public! Since 2009 this line has been in public ownership and has been performing better than the other franchises in terms of public satisfaction, lower subsidy and profits returned to the state to be reinvested in services. Yet the government is planning a rushed sell-off by October 2014. Join the email action here.
Actions are already taking place at these stations:
Kings Cross
Wakefield Westgate
Please join us!
13 August – Fare Prices Announcement
Are you able to do something in your area? If so please email us at our dedicated email account railways@campaigncc.org and let us know the name of your local railway station(s).
As local actions emerge we will tell you about them and put you in touch with organising networks. Detailed plans will be announced here.
Other Actions and support materials
Click here on the leaflet which has been produced by a consortium of community and climate groups; this tells you more about these Rail campaigns and our strategy.
Click here for a general leaflet about Climate Change and Railways. The TSSA rail union 'ghost train' is visiting stations to highlight the plan"
Rail actions - 1st (East Coast Main Line) and 13th August (Fare Prices Announcement)