Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Coalition of Resistance solidarity action with Eurostrike 14/11/12
On November 14th there will be general strikes in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Malta. The ETUC [European Trade Union Confederation] is calling for solidarity action throughout Europe.
In London Coalition of Resistance is organising a protest at the European Commission.
Assemble 5pm - 5:30pm European Commission 32 Smith Square, City of Westminster, SW1P 3EU Tubes: St. James's Park / Westminister
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Camden Town Hall, Judd St, WC1
Join us to discuss
•Recent victories against NHS privatisation
•Latest attacks on the health service
•Reports from local groups and campaigns
•Future plans for action
(Please send any specific suggestions for the agenda)
Well done for making the 20 October demonstration massive and for all the efforts to make sure that the campaign to defend the NHS had as high a profile as possible. Thanks to all those responsible for the RMT sponsored balloon and organising the stall in Hyde Park.
The campaign by Gloucestershire Keep Our NHS Public and others has forced Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust to reverse their earlier decision to outsource services. They have just announced that all their community hospitals and health services including 3000 health workers will remain wholly in the NHS. They rejected the option of opening health services up to private sector bids and will set up a new standalone NHS Trust.
Well done to Hackney Coalition to save the NHS. A 200 strong public meeting adopted the community pledge below and they have helped persuade Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group to include protection of NHS services against privatisation in their constitution.
Do the same in your area, Organise a public meeting inviting KONP and 38 degrees. Publicise the 38 degrees pledge where you can contact your local GPs on line by inserting your postcode.
Campaign launched to save Lewisham A&E
28% of West London hospital beds to be cut
BBC TV Inside Out on W London hospitals Available on i-player until 29 Oct
Ealing Hospital
Central Middlesex Hospital www.brentfightback.blogspot
Hammersmith & Charing X Hospitals
Save South London Hospitals Greenwich Keep Our NHS Public c/o
Save St Helier
Save Chase Farm
Save King George’s Ilford
Implementing the NHS Act will cost £1.6bn
Including at least £1 bn in redundancy fees with 28,000 NHS jobs already cut last year
Why the BBC doesn’t report opposition to NHS privatisation? Lord Patten, the head of the BBC proposed by David Cameron, is also a board member of Bridgepoint who own Care-UK. Bridgepoint (Care-UK) have donated £400,000+ to the Tories
6 CCGs have members who all in Virgin
Mother takes Virgin to court
Guide to NHS rationing
More information from
To unsubscribe please email
Camden Town Hall, Judd St, WC1
Join us to discuss
•Recent victories against NHS privatisation
•Latest attacks on the health service
•Reports from local groups and campaigns
•Future plans for action
(Please send any specific suggestions for the agenda)
Well done for making the 20 October demonstration massive and for all the efforts to make sure that the campaign to defend the NHS had as high a profile as possible. Thanks to all those responsible for the RMT sponsored balloon and organising the stall in Hyde Park.
The campaign by Gloucestershire Keep Our NHS Public and others has forced Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust to reverse their earlier decision to outsource services. They have just announced that all their community hospitals and health services including 3000 health workers will remain wholly in the NHS. They rejected the option of opening health services up to private sector bids and will set up a new standalone NHS Trust.
Well done to Hackney Coalition to save the NHS. A 200 strong public meeting adopted the community pledge below and they have helped persuade Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group to include protection of NHS services against privatisation in their constitution.
Do the same in your area, Organise a public meeting inviting KONP and 38 degrees. Publicise the 38 degrees pledge where you can contact your local GPs on line by inserting your postcode.
Campaign launched to save Lewisham A&E
28% of West London hospital beds to be cut
BBC TV Inside Out on W London hospitals Available on i-player until 29 Oct
Ealing Hospital
Central Middlesex Hospital www.brentfightback.blogspot
Hammersmith & Charing X Hospitals
Save South London Hospitals Greenwich Keep Our NHS Public c/o
Save St Helier
Save Chase Farm
Save King George’s Ilford
Implementing the NHS Act will cost £1.6bn
Including at least £1 bn in redundancy fees with 28,000 NHS jobs already cut last year
Why the BBC doesn’t report opposition to NHS privatisation? Lord Patten, the head of the BBC proposed by David Cameron, is also a board member of Bridgepoint who own Care-UK. Bridgepoint (Care-UK) have donated £400,000+ to the Tories
6 CCGs have members who all in Virgin
Mother takes Virgin to court
Guide to NHS rationing
More information from
To unsubscribe please email
Saturday, 27 October 2012
NUS Demo 2012: Educate, Employ, Empower
NUS Demo 2012: Educate, Employ, EmpowerThe first national NUS demonstration since the 2010 tuition fee protests is taking place in London on 21st November and you can find all the latest news, resources and campaign films on the Demo 2012 website here:
Friday, 26 October 2012
Support for Radcliffe Primary school
The Green Party Trade Union Group would like to send its support to the staff, students and parents of the Radcliffe Primary school in the struggle to resist being forced to become an academy school. GPTU believes the academisation policy of the current government to be misguided, educationally damaging and likely to lead to the erosion of Trade Union rights. In this particular case it also seems to an attempt at the political victimisation of Bury council.
I have blogged a description of Radcliffe Rd school's plight on the Green Left blog at I hope local Green Party members and Trades Unionists will g also give their support.
Yours in solidarity
Peter Murry
GPTU Secretary
I have blogged a description of Radcliffe Rd school's plight on the Green Left blog at I hope local Green Party members and Trades Unionists will g also give their support.
Yours in solidarity
Peter Murry
GPTU Secretary
Report back from Coalition of Resistance Europe Against Austerity Action Conference | October 21st
Peter Murry
(GPEW rep to CoR) 22/10/2012
back from Coalition of Resistance Europe Against Austerity Action Conference | October 21st
1) About
160+ attended. I do not think the GPTU rep (D.Rouxel), London Fed rep
(A.Garrett) and G.Left rep (S.Thompson) were able to attend this event, but I
met F.Bakht, A. Gray, S.Ennis and R.Phoenix there. There may also have been
other Greens who I did not know/see.
2) Video
livestream of the event is currently available at
3) The
event’s full agenda is published at
4) It was initially addressed with a welcoming speech from Jimmy Kelly of unite, a speech from Jeremy Corbyn MP on the political
importance of the event and opposition to Austerity and a Quebec student leader
who described the unrelenting series of student demonstrations mounted by
Montreal students against a gov’t imposed fees hike, which, with support from
rank and file trade unionists, succeeded in overthrowing a Liberal gov’t.
5) The morning plenary was addressed by Elisabeth Gauthier, Transform/Parti
Communiste Francais, James Meadway, New
Economics Foundation, , Stathis Kouvelakis, SYRIZA,
Greece and Myriam Bourgy, CADTM, Belgium, followed by brief
questions and discussion including a contribution from Dave Hopper (NE region NUM) who described the solidarity
actions against Austerity by
Durham miners supporting miners in Asturias (Spain).
6) I attended the afternoon session No to neoliberal education
with Alex Kenny, National
Union of Teachers, Haralambos Kokkinos, DOE primary teachers trade union (Greece),
and a Quebec Student representative, a French teacher trades unionist,
Dominique ? also spoke. There seemed to be a Europe
wide education austerity agenda described as “neoliberal”.
In Greece only 40 teachers had been recruited recently when about 2-3,000
were needed; there were forced school mergers; free text books, teacher
training and in-service training had all been abolished; there were reports of
teachers having to appeal to parents for, or pay themselves for, basic supplies
(eg toilet rolls), and of pupils passing out in school from under-nourishment.
In France the situation had slightly
improved with the Hollande gov’t, under Sarkozy 40,000 teaching jobs had been
lost and a few were being replaced. The French teacher unions were
demanding a raising of the school leaving age to 18, but there were threats to
reduce it to 14 or 15, except for an élite.
Kenny, National Union
of Teachers, stated that
Gove had an agenda of Academising or freeschooling every school in England and Wales ,
but he also pointed out that the UK gov’t agenda involved increasing,
often self-contradictory, micro management controls over teachers and the curriculum.
AK also noted the recent gov’t dictated GCSE grade changes which seemed to
indicate a reversion away from meritocracy towards a quota system which
rationed HE access and educational attainment. If this is so, it echoes the
French trends (see above) and indicates that some aspects of current
governmental educational agendas are not, strictly speaking,
neo-liberal, but actually reactionary.
I went to the education session I missed the better
attended session
on “The Shape Of The Resistance” with billed speakers Danielle Obono, Front
de Gauche (France), Kevin Courtney, National
Union of Teachers, Jeremy Corbyn MP, &
Florian Wilde, Die
Linke, (Germany ).
Perhaps one of the other Greens who went there could provide a report?
The closing plenary: “Actions, co-operation and the timeline to
Athens 2013” was
addressed by Marisa Matias MEP, Bloco, (Portugal) and European Left Party,
Fred Leplat CoR, Dot Gibson, National
Pensioners’ Convention (personal
capacity), Natalie Bennett, Green Party, Vladimir Nieddu, SUD
Sante, (France) followed by brief questions and discussion.
The salient
points made and not made, here, and during the whole conference, seemed to me
to be:
Those who were suffering from Austerity
were not to blame for it. In particular the stereotyping of some of the
southern Europeans (esp., the Greeks?) as “lazy” was an inaccurate slur and
evidence was cited to demonstrate this. It was also noted that economic
inequality was increasing in Germany .
Austerity was presented as economic necessity but
was actually an attempt to restructure socio-economically towards a neo-liberal
or even an elitist model. Some speakers cited how a programme of
nationalisation and the creation of the welfare state was carried out after WW2
in the UK
when its financial situation was possibly worse than now.
Austerity could be resisted by united action and
this has been successful in some cases (esp. Quebec ).
In the UK , demos were not enough. Some
thought the fact that several TU leaders had called for a general strike at the
Hyde Park rally on 20/10 was a step in the
“right” direction.
Non sectarian unity was repeatedly stressed, most
anti Austerity organisations (including Syriza and Bloco), were coalitions of
previously disparate parties, unions, the disabled, interest groups.
There was little mention of Eire .
There was little mention of environmental crisis
(in the sessions that I attended or in Natalie Bennett’s speech) except for a representative
of Hackney Transition who did remind the conference of it. There was some talk
of future infrastructural projects as an element in a possible recovery but no
mention that these could be used to create a low-carbon economy. (I regret not speaking up about this).
Also the possible role of environmental crisis in
creating a profits famine and innvestment strike which, some said were causes
of the recent economic crash, was not mentioned.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
UNISON 'appalled' at NMC fee increase
25/10/2012 from
UNISON 'appalled' at NMC fee increase
UNISON, the UK’s largest union has branded the decision of the NMC to enforce a massive 32% fee increase as unfair and disproportionate.
The union said it was deeply worried at the move, in the light of the recent £20m grant the regulator received from the government, and said there were alternatives that would mean the NMC did not have to take this step now.
The change – which is subject to Privy Council approval – will mean annual fees increasing by nearly a third from £76 to £100. The union said this would hit particularly hard given that nurses and midwives had not received any pay increase for the last two years.
UNISON head of nursing Gail Adams said:
“This is an appalling move by the NMC. There is no justice in making nurses and midwives – who have had no pay rise for two years – pay for the past financial mismanagement of the NMC.
“It beggars belief that the NMC are pushing ahead with a massive 32% increase on annual fees when they have just received £20m from the government – what message does this send to the nurses, midwives and patients whose interests they are there to protect?
“The NMC is the largest regulator in the world, and with their predictable income, should not be in the financial mess that they are in. Registrants did not cause this problem, and enforcing a fee increase that will impact on their already stretched incomes is unfair, disproportionate and untimely.
“The NMC could, and should have postponed this decision and used the time to rebuild the trust and confidence of registrants. There was nothing to stop the NMC from freezing registration fees and reviewing the situation next year; they could then use the grant to start addressing the backlog of fitness to practise cases.
“The solution is clear, and it is extremely disappointing that the NMC are ignoring it and the respondents to their consultation.”
UNISON had already said it could not support a move to increase fees following an NMC consultation earlier this year.
The union said it was deeply worried at the move, in the light of the recent £20m grant the regulator received from the government, and said there were alternatives that would mean the NMC did not have to take this step now.
The change – which is subject to Privy Council approval – will mean annual fees increasing by nearly a third from £76 to £100. The union said this would hit particularly hard given that nurses and midwives had not received any pay increase for the last two years.
UNISON head of nursing Gail Adams said:
“This is an appalling move by the NMC. There is no justice in making nurses and midwives – who have had no pay rise for two years – pay for the past financial mismanagement of the NMC.
“It beggars belief that the NMC are pushing ahead with a massive 32% increase on annual fees when they have just received £20m from the government – what message does this send to the nurses, midwives and patients whose interests they are there to protect?
“The NMC is the largest regulator in the world, and with their predictable income, should not be in the financial mess that they are in. Registrants did not cause this problem, and enforcing a fee increase that will impact on their already stretched incomes is unfair, disproportionate and untimely.
“The NMC could, and should have postponed this decision and used the time to rebuild the trust and confidence of registrants. There was nothing to stop the NMC from freezing registration fees and reviewing the situation next year; they could then use the grant to start addressing the backlog of fitness to practise cases.
“The solution is clear, and it is extremely disappointing that the NMC are ignoring it and the respondents to their consultation.”
UNISON had already said it could not support a move to increase fees following an NMC consultation earlier this year.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Defend Universal Benefits
Rally & Lobby of Parliament
Wednesday 31 October 2012
11.30am Protest, George V statue, Old Palace Yard
1pm Rally/Lobby, Committee Room 14, House of CommonsIn recent weeks there have been a series of attacks against universal pensioner benefits, such as free bus travel and the winter fuel allowance. Critics argue that pensioners have escaped the austerity measures at the expense of young people, when in reality the only ones who have escaped the cuts are the rich. The headlines talk about taking benefits away from millionaire pensioners, but means-testing the benefits would end up excluding pensioners with incomes of little more than £10,000 a year. Evidence shows that even after paying these universal benefits, pensioners contribute an extra £40bn every year to the economy in taxes, volunteering and unpaid care. What the critics don’t understand is that pensioners still need these benefits because the UK has one of the least adequate state pensions in Europe.COME ALONG AND TELL YOUR MP TO SUPPORT UNIVERSAL BENEFITS
Friday, 19 October 2012
March Today. Strike Tomorrow!"
Acknowledgements to
Glen Burrows | 6:14pm Oct 19 |
On the eve of the union-organised anti-austerity protests in
London, Belfast and Glasgow, RMT General Secretary Bob Crow,
who will be speaking at the London rally, has called for a final
push to maximise numbers and impact.
Bob Crow said;
"There's only thing that this rotten Government understand as they attempt to batter working class communities into submission, and that is the power and force of numbers as we mobilise sheer physical resistance out on the streets and in the workplace.
"That is why we are marching in our hundreds of thousands as we unite the trade union movement with the millions under attack from cuts and privatisation. The marches are a building block towards the objective of co-ordinated action and a general strike. That is why RMT says - March Today. Strike Tomorrow!"
London, Belfast and Glasgow, RMT General Secretary Bob Crow,
who will be speaking at the London rally, has called for a final
push to maximise numbers and impact.
Bob Crow said;
"There's only thing that this rotten Government understand as they attempt to batter working class communities into submission, and that is the power and force of numbers as we mobilise sheer physical resistance out on the streets and in the workplace.
"That is why we are marching in our hundreds of thousands as we unite the trade union movement with the millions under attack from cuts and privatisation. The marches are a building block towards the objective of co-ordinated action and a general strike. That is why RMT says - March Today. Strike Tomorrow!"
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
PETITION: Leave DLA alone, Stop the Cuts that affect people with a disability.
PETITION: Leave DLA alone, Stop the Cuts that affect people with a disability.
To: UK Government: Department for Work and Pensions
If you live in the UK please sign the offical petition @
The government intends to abolish Disability Living Allowance and replace it with Personal Independence Payments. We feel the government is doing this because it is clear by awarding the contract to assess Personal Independence Payments to ATOS, it is a means to make savage cuts welfare to the most vulnerable in society. We believe peoples lives will be lost as a result of the scrapping of DLA for Personal Independence Payments assessed by ATOS.
follow us on twitter @
like us on facebook @
Thank you
The government intends to abolish Disability Living Allowance and replace it with Personal Independence Payments. We feel the government is doing this because it is clear by awarding the contract to assess Personal Independence Payments to ATOS, it is a means to make savage cuts welfare to the most vulnerable in society. We believe peoples lives will be lost as a result of the scrapping of DLA for Personal Independence Payments assessed by ATOS.
follow us on twitter @
like us on facebook @
Thank you
Sunday, 14 October 2012
CoR Europe Against Austerity
Europe Against Austerity action conference
Sunday 21 October, 11am - 4:30pm
Across Europe millions of people are taking to the streets to demand an end to austerity. There is an urgent need to link up these struggles.
On the 21st October there will be a Europe Against Austerity conference organised by the Coalition of Resistance and hosted by Unite at their London headquarters.
This will be an important opportunity for trade unionists and anti-cuts activists to discuss plans for future common action. The conference is nearly full so please us know immediately if your organisation would like to send a delegate. The provisional agenda for the day is below.
We will be livestreaming this event from our website for those that cannot make it.
Reel News will be showing a series of films from the recent demonstrations in Spain and Greece and the Greece Solidarity Campaign will be showing the film of their delegation visit to Athens. Award winning campaign photographer Guy Smallman will present an exhibition of his work. Breakfast is being provided by the Communication Workers Union.
There will be an international bloc on the TUC demonstration with COR, the GSC and others linking up with CND and Stop the War Coalition.
If you can provide homestay accomodation for the Saturday night for one or two of the international delegates please contact us.
There will be a post-demo social with food and music at the new radical venue, Firebox, on Saturday evening.
11am - 12pm Breakfast and welcome by UNITE and CWU
with Jim Kelly and Steve Bell
1) 12 - 1pm: Eurocrisis - Into the abyss?
Elisabeth Gauthier, Transform/PCF
James Meadway, New Economics Foundation
Stathis Kouvelakis Syriza
Myriam Bourgy CADTM
Chair: Andrew Burgin / Myriam Djegham
2) a: 1.15pm - 2.30pm: The shape of the resistance
Dimitris Gkinis OLME
Christophe Ventura / Danielle Obono Front de Gauche
Kevin Courtney NUT
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Vladimir Nehu SUD Sante
Chair: Chris Nineham / Attac France
b: No to neoliberal education
Alex Kenny NUT
Haralambos Kokkinos DOE
Student representatives
Chair: Jane Shallice
3) 3 - 4.15pm: Actions, co-operation and the the timeline to Athens 2013
Marisa Matias Bloco MEP [European Left Party]
Fred Leplat CoR
Dot Gibson NPC [personal capacity]
Natalie Bennett Green Party UK
Felipe Van Keirsbilck JSC
Chair: Kate Hudson / Anders Svesson [Sweden]
Sunday 21 October, 11am - 4:30pm

On the 21st October there will be a Europe Against Austerity conference organised by the Coalition of Resistance and hosted by Unite at their London headquarters.
This will be an important opportunity for trade unionists and anti-cuts activists to discuss plans for future common action. The conference is nearly full so please us know immediately if your organisation would like to send a delegate. The provisional agenda for the day is below.
We will be livestreaming this event from our website for those that cannot make it.
Reel News will be showing a series of films from the recent demonstrations in Spain and Greece and the Greece Solidarity Campaign will be showing the film of their delegation visit to Athens. Award winning campaign photographer Guy Smallman will present an exhibition of his work. Breakfast is being provided by the Communication Workers Union.
There will be an international bloc on the TUC demonstration with COR, the GSC and others linking up with CND and Stop the War Coalition.
If you can provide homestay accomodation for the Saturday night for one or two of the international delegates please contact us.
There will be a post-demo social with food and music at the new radical venue, Firebox, on Saturday evening.
11am - 12pm Breakfast and welcome by UNITE and CWU
with Jim Kelly and Steve Bell
1) 12 - 1pm: Eurocrisis - Into the abyss?
Elisabeth Gauthier, Transform/PCF
James Meadway, New Economics Foundation
Stathis Kouvelakis Syriza
Myriam Bourgy CADTM
Chair: Andrew Burgin / Myriam Djegham
2) a: 1.15pm - 2.30pm: The shape of the resistance
Dimitris Gkinis OLME
Christophe Ventura / Danielle Obono Front de Gauche
Kevin Courtney NUT
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Vladimir Nehu SUD Sante
Chair: Chris Nineham / Attac France
b: No to neoliberal education
Alex Kenny NUT
Haralambos Kokkinos DOE
Student representatives
Chair: Jane Shallice
3) 3 - 4.15pm: Actions, co-operation and the the timeline to Athens 2013
Marisa Matias Bloco MEP [European Left Party]
Fred Leplat CoR
Dot Gibson NPC [personal capacity]
Natalie Bennett Green Party UK
Felipe Van Keirsbilck JSC
Chair: Kate Hudson / Anders Svesson [Sweden]
Sunday, 7 October 2012
7 Oct 2012,:URGENT - -help The Ecosocialist APPEAL FROM GREEN LEFT
7 Oct 2012,:URGENT -
-help The Ecosocialist APPEAL FROM GREEN LEFT
Dear GL members,
Thank you to everyone who has pledged their support for the production of our first tabloid THE ECOSOCIALIST planned for distribution on OCT 20TH at the TUC march and rally.
We want our first paper to be attractive and well laid out !
We are nearly there (thanks to Doug for all his late nights) - but with more space it will look a lot better.
We need a few more donations of £20 / £10 / £5 so that we can make this tabloid really good looking)
Give us your money - now ! (as they say). We have a lot of work to do and only so many hours left to complete this project !
Please send donations to Doug Rouxel who is acting for Green left as Treasurer/co-ordinator of this project
account name Douglas Rouxel
sort code
account number 15534368
If you prefer you can make your donations to
Green left (please specify clearly that they are intended for THE ECOSOCIALIST
planned for distribution on OCT 20TH.)
send a cheque, made to Green Left to: Peter Allen(GL
Treasurer) , 8 Slatelands Rd ,
Glossop , SK13 6LH .
OR payments can be made directly into the GL bank account
(details below):
acc name GREEN LEFT Co-operative bank, PO Box 250 , Delf House, Southway,
SKELMERSDALE WN8 6WT sort code 089299 acc 65284751
Thank You !
Romayne Phoenix Green Left Co-Convenor
Howard Thorpe Green Left Co-Convenor
Pete Murry Green Left Secretary
Doug Rouxel Green Left Media Officer
Martin O' Beirne Green Left Website Editor
Martin O' Beirne Green Left Website Editor
full financial report on “The Ecosocialist” will go to the next
general meeting.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Derby Climate Coalition:all day event in Derby on Saturday the 13th of October
Dear Friends
Derby Climate Coalition have organised an all day event in Derby on Saturday the 13th of October at St Peter’s Church, Derby , 10 am to 4 pm. This will be supported by a fascinating array of local and national organisations, and isn’t just about the climate. It’s about the economy, and the alternative to austerity. It is about massive investment in renewables. While we will have some extremely highly respected speakers, including the economist Ann Pettifor, there will be plenty of opportunities to swap experiences and learn from, and indeed inspire.
The Alliance for Jobs and Climate and Move Your Money and the Midlands Co-operative and the Million Climate Jobs Campaign are supporting this event. For more details see and to book a place
The Alliance for Jobs and Climate and Move Your Money are also asking people in other areas if they would like to organise similar event. For further information go and see (which is also included below).
All the best
Peter Robinson
Background: The Alliance for Jobs and Climate was created in the Houses of Parliament in January 2012 with a mandate for pursuing decent jobs for all, and a massive shift to a renewables based economy.
Move your Money UK was launched in February 2012 on the back of a hugely successful campaign in the USA which saw 10 million customers switch their bank accounts from major banks to credit unions, building societies, mutual, and ethical banks. Since the campaign was launched, half a million UK customers have moved their money.
The Alliance for Jobs and Climate and Move your Money with support from the co-operative movement, UK Uncut and activists within the Trade Union movement are proposing a series of regional events to discuss the alternatives to the Governments ideologically driven austerity program, and to showcase positive economic alternatives accessible to UK citizens looking to make positive change in their communities, whilst tackling the urgent threat of climate change.
The Economy for the 99% event(s) will form new, and consolidate existing social-networks, establishing the basis of a continuing national conversation on alternative economic models, job creation, and solutions to the climate crisis involving the widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies.
The Economy for the 99% events are expected to draw between 50-150 people, featuring speakers from a range of organisations including trade unions, the co-operative movement, ethical finance, and local organisations and campaigns.
Objectives: The objective of the Economy for the 99% events are to explore the social and environmental consequences of austerity, and to articulate and debate the alternatives – providing case studies and resources to empower people to take effective action and make a positive difference within their own communities. The intention is for the major national organisations to share their agendas, establishing a template for a series of regional events.
Building from below: here is a need for national organisations to generate and find local supporter and a primary motive is to to foster support networks and to stimulate local actions. In addition we are concerned with translating local action into leverage over the key ‘upstream actors. This will require engaging people not just with local actions, but with the question of what a movement bridging different sectors might look like.
The Economy for the 99% events would call upon local organisations to network and facilitate event(s) and to run workshops and set up stalls.The Alliance and Move your Money will be only too happy to help plan the events with you.
Organisational Support:
We expect participating partner organisations to publicise events, provide their logos, provide speakers and literature, and to identify people in the regions who are prepared to build the events. Financial contributions are being sought.
Publicity: A template leaflet is attached.
Publicity: For further information and liaison or phone Peter Robinson on 07876595993.
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