Friday, 28 August 2009
Solidarity Vigil at Harrow Central Mosque September 11th
I leafleted at the Wembley Mosque today. It is clear that some are opposed to a counter-demonstration because it might turn violent but others are clear that we have to make a stand. It is not particularly an age-split. We are monitoring the situation but at present plans are as on the leaflet.
Join us to show that fascists are not welcome in Harrow.
Friday September 11th from 1.30 pm
Outside Harrow Civic Centre, opposite the Mosque
Rally with local and national speakers at 6.00 pm
The "English Defence League", a group of racist football hooligans linked to the fascist British National Party, is threatening to invade Harrow on 11th September to "demonstrate" against the Harrow Central Mosque.
Islamophobia - bigotry against Muslims - is as unacceptable as any other form of racism. Its aim is to divide us by making scapegoats of one community, as the Nazis did with the Jews in the 1930s.
Today they threaten the mosque - tomorrow it could be a synagogue, temple or church. Today they threaten Muslims, tomorrow it could be Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, blacks, gays, travellers or Eastern Europeans. .
We have beaten fascists and racists before by standing up in unity against them: at Cable Street in the East End in the 1930s, at Lewisham in the 1970s, and recently in Derbyshire where black and white, young and old, Hindu, Christian, Muslim and Jew, gay and straight, all came together to oppose the BNP’s fascist rally.
Let’s protest against the racists and fascists and let's oppose their politics of hatred. Let's defend Harrow’s diverse and united community.
We are black, white, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh and Jew
And there are many, many more of us than you!
Called by UAF Brent & Harrow (
and national Unite Against Fascism ( / or call 020 7801 2782. UAF, PO Box 36871, London WC1X 9XT)
with support from (among others) Harrow NUT, Harrow College UCU, Unite the Union at Harrow Weald, Harrow & Edgware bus garages and Brent Green Party
●No to Racism
●No to the BNP
Defend Harrow’s multi-cultural community
Fascist thugs not welcome here
Friday September 11th assemble from 1.30 pm
outside Harrow Civic Centre
opposite Harrow Central Mosque
6 pm: Rally with local and national speakers
The "English Defence League" - a group of racist football hooligans with links to the fascist BNP - is threatening to hold a protest against the Harrow Central Mosque. We cannot stand by and let these racists attack any section of our community.
In May the "English Defence League" rampaged through Luton, attacking Asians and Asian owned businesses. In July they marched through Birmingham shouting "Muslims out" at people going shopping.
We don't want these racist thugs in Harrow.
Join our protest when you can, maybe during your lunch break, but especially after work.
Sign the statement defending Harrow Central Mosque against racist attacks.
Solidarity Vigil at Harrow Central Mosque September 11th
The 'English Defence League' and a motley selection of other rightwing groups have said they are going to protest at Harrow Central Mosque on the anniversary of 9/11. This is deliberately provocative, seeking to link the mosque with terrorism and held during the holy month of Ramadan and coinciding with Friday prayers. A similar demonstration in Luton resulted in a mob attacking Asians and Asian-owned businesses.
Brent Green Party is supporting the call by Brent and Harrow Unite Against Fascism for a 'Solidarity Vigil' outside Harrow Civic Centre, opposite the mosque, from 1.30pm on Friday September 11th with a rally at 6pm. Timings may change as these have not been announced yet by the EDL et al. A similar protest, this time against sharia courts, due to be held on Saturday 29th August was recently cancelled and it may well be that evidence of substantial opposition will lead to similar action for September 11th.
Let’s tell unite how it is!
Get them to STOP their CMA Strike Busting MEMBERS from Doing Our Work
128 Theobalds Road Holborn London WC1X 8TN
173 Euston RoadLondon NW1 2BJ
Climate and Capital A seminar organised by Socialist Resistance and Green Left

Saturday 12
10.30 - 5.30, Friends Meeting House, Euston,
A seminar organised by Socialist
Resistance and Green Left
Green Left and Socialist Resistance are offering a one-third discount on their Climate and Capitalism seminar on September 12. The discount is available with the new leaflet, now online at, with advance bookings, and reduced price offer on Ian Angus' new book go to
Sessions on:
* Global Fight for Climate Justice
* The economic crisis and the ecosocialist response
* Gender, ecology and ecosocialism
* Alternatives to the market
* Alternative production
* The impact in the global south
* Direct action prefiguring a sustainable society
* Sustainable cities
* The campaign for green jobs
* Building the fightback and organising for Copenhagen
Speakers: Ian Angus, Grace Livingstone,
Raphie de Santos, Romayne Phoenix, Liam MacUaid, Helen Ward, Sean Thompson,
Sheila Malone, Derek Wall, Terry Conway, Roy Wilkes
and others...
Book now on-line for 1/3 off entry and £2 off new
book by Ian Angus on "The Global Fight for Climate Justice"
Peterloo; A Poem by Joseph Healy 16/8/2009 and clips from GL summer event and Peterloo commemoration august 2009
Those for whom Liberty's price was paid
Now Tomlinson and SOCPA are the theme
Where Freedom's corpse lies in the grave
Lord Liverpool and Captain Burleigh
Who called the Yeomanry to arms
Your heirs - Brown and Ainsworth call for youthful blood in Afghanistan
And Orator Hunt would blanch with shame
Where blood stained the stones of Peter's Fields
There lie the bones of Socialism's hopes
Trod beneath the hooves of New Labour's cavalry
Read out the names of Peterloo and New Labour's dead
- Freedom, Liberty, Suffrage and the Price of Oil!
Talk and discussion part one
Talk and discussion part two
Talk and discussion part three
Talk and discussion part four
Peterloo in 2009
Marchers arrive from Oldham
The Mob assembled
Green Lefties modelling Liberty Caps
A photo op (mishandled?)
Wreath laid at the Peace Memorial
How to organise a spontaneous outcry
Wreath at the Peace Memorial
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for Greenwich and Woolwich, Andy Hewett, welcomes the arrival of Climate Camp to Blackheath.
"I am delighted that Blackheath has been chosen as the site of this year's Climate Camp. I hope that the people of Greenwich will show their support for this event and go along to experience the atmosphere. The aims of Climate Camp are to educate, inform and peacefully demonstrate that there are alternatives to the current way of life which are leading us to potentially catastrophic climate change."
With views of Canary Wharf, the site at Blackheath will provide Climate Campers with a constant reminder of the financial system which was the focus of the Camp in Bishopsgate and the events of the G20 protests in April. Andy was unable to get into the camp itself that day, due to Police blockades, but he recounted some of his experiences of the events at the G20 protests.
"I was amongst the many who were 'kettled' for hours by the Police on April 1st, and also the following day at a peaceful vigil outside the Bank of England in memory of Ian Tomlinson who died after being beaten by Police at the demonstration on the previous day. Friends of mine suffered injury at the hands of the police over those two days, many more were detained in police cordons. I hope that the police see sense and desist from using the violent tactics evident at the London Camp in April, that they desist from hassling protestors with unnecessary searches, that they desist from invasive and intimidatory photographing of protestors, and let the Climate Camp flourish with the intended family-friendly atmosphere and communal spirit."
"Some have questioned the choice of Blackheath as a venue for Climate Camp, but it has a rich history of being a centre of protest movements over the centuries. As far back as 1381, Wat Tyler's Peasant Revolt rallied at Blackheath in protests at the third poll tax, and in 1450 it was the rallying point for Jack Cade's Kentish Rebellion. Those events and others resonate through the years to the present day, with the right to protest remaining an essential democratic right. Defending that right is essential as part of protecting our civil liberties and sustaining a healthy democracy, and is another example of why Climate Camp is so important."
Monday, 17 August 2009
Peterloo; A Poem by Joseph Healy 16/8/2009
Those for whom Liberty's price was paid
Now Tomlinson and SOCPA are the theme
Where Freedom's corpse lies in the grave
Lord Liverpool and Captain Burleigh
Who called the Yeomanry to arms
Your heirs - Brown and Ainsworth
call for youthful blood in Afghanistan
And Orator Hunt would blanch with shame
Where blood stained the stones of Peter's Fields
There lie the bones of Socialism's hopes
Trod beneath the hooves of New Labour's cavalry
Read out the names of Peterloo and New Labour's dead -
Freedom, Liberty, Suffrage and the Price of Oil!
Thursday, 13 August 2009
VEsTAS Demos 12/8/2009
Photo from Support Vestas workers' lunchtime rally organized by
Oxford & District Trades Union Council in Bonn Square, Oxford City
Centre, Weds 12 August.
Whitehall vestas demo 12/8/2009
The Gptu banner prooves that it is waterproof

Phil Thornhill speaks

Ian Terry, a Vestas worker speaking

Andy Hewett speaks
and this is what he said
First of all I’d like to pay tribute to everyone who has come here today, and all those who have been participating in actions across the country, in their communities and their workplaces, to show their support for the Vestas workers, for the fight for jobs, for just transition and the urgent need to build sustainable industries based upon social and ecological need and not for private profit. I’ve been to the Isle Of Wight twice in the last few weeks and what the workers and activists have been doing down there is an inspiration to us all.
There has been a demonstration here outside the DECC in each of the last four weeks, but let’s just take a moment to stop and think what those letters D E C C represent… and it seems to me that it is the Department for DIRTY Energy and for Climate Change.
Whilst they say they are committed to securing green jobs and seriously tackling climate change, their true colours have certainly been revealed during the course of the Vestas dispute – and they are certainly not green, not red except maybe for the blood on their hands from their war for oil resources and gas pipelines – No, they are more of a dirty brown, with a very severe shade of blue.
These last few weeks have also shown the weakness of this govt, their lack of political will and capability in making the decisions necessary to tackle climate change and create green jobs – rather they have once again shown that they are unable to put the demands of people and planet before business and the capitalist drive for profit. They dangled £6m of OUR money in front of Vestas for a R+D plant, yet we have over 600 skilled workers and a facility capable of turning production over to the production of blades to use in this country already in place. £6m is nothing compared to the billions being spent on fighting resource wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. £6m is nothing compared to the cost of building WMDs as they seek to replace Trident. £6m is nothing compared to the trillions which have been thrown into the black hole created by the fat cats in the financial system – and as we know, whilst the debts have been nationalised they have privatised their profits and are still riding the gravy train of bonuses and massive salaries whilst across the country working class people are losing their jobs and their homes as a result of their crisis.
And £6m may not be much to Vestas who seem to be doing very well thank you – only yesterday it was reported that they have received a massive increase in wind turbine orders: 41x 2MW wind turbines and a 5 year service agreement for the Orites project in Cyprus, which will alone increase Cypriot dependency on renewables to 13% by 2020; and 37x 3MW turbines and a 10 year service agreement for the Waterloo Wind Farm project in Australia. We must not be held to ransom, instead of the govt fiddling whilst the planet burns the factory on the IOW should be nationalised, give control to the skilled workforce and let that be the first building block in building the renewables industry and the millions of green jobs that can be generated by transforming our economy to one based upon need and not profit.
And in case you haven’t seen the figures today, unemployment rose by 220k in the last 3 months with 2.435m now out of work, the highest level since 1995 under the Tories. 271k less people are in work, the biggest fall since records began in 1971. 4.9% of the workforce are now claiming unemployment benefit, whilst many more are prevented from doing so as the govt “clamps down”. And if the failure to tackle climate change was not a big enough betrayal of our young people and their future, their employment prospects also look bleak – 928K of the under 25s are now out of work. With apparently half of these unable to claim unemployment benefit. Army recruitment centres are springing up across the country – fighting wars and a wrecked planet must not be the only options left open to them. We must not pay for the crisis, not in jobs, not in blood and not in destruction of our planet.
There is an election around the corner, now is the chance to show them what we think. Now it is their jobs on the line. Vote for candidates who are serious about social and environmental justice, of restoring the rights workers and of trades unions, are serious about jobs and serious about stopping catastrophic climate change. And if there isn’t currently a candidate that you can vote for then make sure that one stands! Of course we may not be able to get everyone we want to elected, we may not form any majority soon enough under an electoral system designed to maintain the status quo and parties committed to pursuing business as usual at the expense of people, planet and peace. But we can have a voice, use it as a platform to put the message across and say enough is enough. This is our planet, this our future and we wont let you destroy it!
But elections arent our only pressure points. The positive of this campaign and all of the other direct actions and occupations across the country and the world is that it shows us that we don’t have to wait for the politicians in power to catch up and get with the program. We can start taking action ourselves right now. The positive action that arises when workers take a stand and say enough – this is our workplace, these are our skills and our jobs and we will take a stand and fight for them. The positive action that emerges when comrades in various organisations come together, any differences aside and work together on a common goal. The positive influence of the organisation of workers and the key role of Trades Unions – Vestas don’t like em, the govt has failed to repeal the ant-trade union laws, and we see why: because they do not want to see us taking action and organising – if we are divided we are no threat. We have heard a lot about red and green alliances over the last few weeks. As an eco-socialist I have never had a problem with the red/green synthesis – what has emerged is that we are finding our common ground and working together, w find strength in our solidarity and we become a greater force, we cannot afford to be divided on climate change as the stakes are too high. Unity is our strength. Now we must build momentum, the campaign must move on from here. We must drink deep from the well of inspiration that the Vestas workers have supplied us. Keep the struggle alive, we can and must make the difference! Viva the Vestas workers!

The first public appearance of the new Green Left banner, Whitehall, london 12/8/2009

Unjum Mirza of the RMT

Monday, 10 August 2009
LEEDS 7-8.30pm, meeting, Swarthmore Centre, next to Park Lane College• MANCHESTER 7pm solidarity meeting with Vestas worker speaking, Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, tel: 07724 139278Wed
12 August – NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION IN SOLIDARITY WITH VESTAS WORKERS• BANGOR petitioning from 11am onwards by the clock tower; 6.30pm, public meeting in the Harp Inn, High Street, Bangor; tel: Iain, 07809 839793•
BIRMINGHAM 12.30pm rally outside the Government offices for the West Midlands (off Colmore Row, round corner from Halifax), St Philips Place, St Philips Cathedral park, Birmingham B3. Called by Birmingham CACC and supported by Birmingham TUC, tel: 07846 490 408•
BRIGHTON 12-2pm, leafleting/collecting in Churchill Square; 6pm, street meeting in Churchill Square, email:, tel: 07845 183407•
CARDIFF 7.30pm, public meeting with Vestas worker; Marianne Owens, Vice-Chair PCS Wales; Wayne Thomas, President of NUM Wales (tbc); Climate Camp Cymru speaker (tbc); and Adam Johannes, Cardiff Campaign against Climate Change, Riverside Community Centre, Brunel St (off Ninian Park Road)•
CENTRAL LONDON 12.30pm, meeting organised by PCS and RMT, The Dining Room, Civil Service Club, 13-15 Great Scotland Yard• COWDENBEATH picket Gordon Brown’s constituency office, 1-3pm, 318-324 High Street, tel: 07826 517648, email:,•
LIVERPOOL Casa (the dockers’ pub), 29 Hope St, 7pm, RMT, dockers and Merseyside TUC meeting to set up solidarity campaign, tel: 0151 709 1786/07940 244718/07930 870934, email:•
OXFORD 12 noon, rally, Bonn Square, called by Oxford and District TUC•
PORTSMOUTH 5.30pm, rally at The Hard• PLYMOUTH 12.30, the Sundial, leafleting the City Centre at lunchtime, tel: Tony Staunton 07803 620390•
SHEFFIELD 1pm, rally and leafleting outside Sheffield Town Hall•
WARRINGTON 7.30-9.30am, demonstration, Vestas HQ, 302 Bridgewater Place, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6XG, tel: 07724 139278•
WREXHAM public meeting, 7.30pm Barracuda Bar, Town Hill, Wrexham LL13 8NAThurs
13 August•
COVENTRY 7.30pm, the Squirrel, central Coventry, public meeting with Vestas worker Seb and Socialist Party councillors, Rob Windsor and Dave Nellist
Diageo planning to shut plants in Glasgow and Kilmarnock and outsource jobs
I've signed a letter to the Chief Executive, Paul Walsh. Diageo are the owners of Johnnie Walker whisky and are planning to shut plants in Glasgow and Kilmarnock and outsource jobs at Shieldhall, Hurlford and Elgin with the loss of hundreds of jobs across Scotland. This company made a profit of over £2 billion last year but is still looking to slash jobs and destroy a tradition in the communities who make Johnnie Walker - incredibly it has been made in Kilmarnock since it was first created in 1820!
Please sign the letter too and add your name to the thousands of voices telling the Diageo that the people and communities will be decimated by their plans are the very same people and communities that have built the company over the past 185 years.
You can read the letter to Diageo's Chief Executive here:
The government is rolling out 250 new "GP-led health centres" (or polyclinics) across the UK. The super-surgeries are part of Lord Darzi's plan for the National Health Service.
They will use a new contract model, called the Alternative Provider of Medical Services, or APMS, which encourages the private sector to take over GP services.
Camden and Hackney Keep Our NHS Public groups are waging vigorous campaigns against the GP-led health centres/ polyclinics planned by their local Primary Care Trusts, and have enlisted support from GPs, other health workers and the local community.
Some 50 GP-led health centres are already in existence - another 200 are in the pipeline across the UK.
No research has been done on whether the centres/polyclinics are needed, and it seems likely they will compete with traditional GP surgeries for patients.
Contact KONP national office for resources and advice on campaigning against the new GP-led centres/ polyclinics.
BMA shows the way
The British Medical Association (BMA) is running a campaign against the sell-off of GP surgeries
Join our national campaign to say:
We have reached a very dangerous turning point with privatisation of NHS services. The government is forcing Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) to split their commissioning (purchasing of services) from their provider (service provision) functions to further the government's aim to develop the National Health Service as a commercial healthcare market.
This process has been speeded up with the
Transforming Community Services (TCS)
programme and the Department of Health document
"Enabling New Patterns of Provision".
What must PCTs do and by when?
The government gave PCTs a deadline of April 2009 to split commissioning from service provision functions. By October 2009 PCTs must have drawn up detailed business plans for "transforming" local services, setting out how they will promote "contestability and competition"; "increase patient choice" (another name for introducing privatisation); improve service provision and agree on an "organisational form" for their future operation.
The PCTs commissioner/provider split is an open invitation to the private sector to bid for PCT services.
PCTs must end private sector contracts
Keep Our NHS Public is urging all local KONP groups and health campaigners to demand that their local PCT stop signing contracts with private companies.
Lobby your local Health Scrutiny Committee (find out where and when it meets on your local council's website)
Lobby your local Primary Care Trust Board (find out where and when they meet on their website)
Lobby your local MPs (remember, there is an election coming up next year - find your local MPs at
Organise public meetings and tell public and patients what is happening - sign up the people who come to Keep Our NHS Public and start spreading the word. More information from UNISON on the PCT commissioner/provider split
Keep Our NHS Public is in constant need of funds to carry on its work Organising against NHS privatisation.
Please help by filling in our standing order form, and campaigning locally for trade unions, pensioners' groups, community groups and others to join or affiliate to us.
Keep Our NHS Public |
19 Vincent Terrace, London, N1 |
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Forwarded Message:
Subj: Keep Our NHS Public August e-news - PATIENTS NOT PROFITS
Date: 05/08/2009 13:26:19 GMT Standard Time
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Stop the sell-off of GP surgeries to big private healthcare companies
The government is rolling out 250 new "GP-led health centres" (or polyclinics) across the UK. The super-surgeries are part of Lord Darzi's plan for the National Health Service.
They will use a new contract model, called the Alternative Provider of Medical Services, or APMS, which encourages the private sector to take over GP services.
Camden and Hackney Keep Our NHS Public groups are waging vigorous campaigns against the GP-led health centres/ polyclinics planned by their local Primary Care Trusts, and have enlisted support from GPs, other health workers and the local community.
Some 50 GP-led health centres are already in existence - another 200 are in the pipeline across the UK.
No research has been done on whether the centres/polyclinics are needed, and it seems likely they will compete with traditional GP surgeries for patients.
Contact KONP national office for resources and advice on campaigning against the new GP-led centres/ polyclinics.
BMA shows the way
The British Medical Association (BMA) is running a campaign against the sell-off of GP surgeries
Join our national campaign to say:
We have reached a very dangerous turning point with privatisation of NHS services. The government is forcing Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) to split their commissioning (purchasing of services) from their provider (service provision) functions to further the government's aim to develop the National Health Service as a commercial healthcare market.
This process has been speeded up with the
Transforming Community Services (TCS)
programme and the Department of Health document
"Enabling New Patterns of Provision".
What must PCTs do and by when?
The government gave PCTs a deadline of April 2009 to split commissioning from service provision functions. By October 2009 PCTs must have drawn up detailed business plans for "transforming" local services, setting out how they will promote "contestability and competition"; "increase patient choice" (another name for introducing privatisation); improve service provision and agree on an "organisational form" for their future operation.
The PCTs commissioner/provider split is an open invitation to the private sector to bid for PCT services.
PCTs must end private sector contracts
Keep Our NHS Public is urging all local KONP groups and health campaigners to demand that their local PCT stop signing contracts with private companies.
Lobby your local Health Scrutiny Committee (find out where and when it meets on your local council's website)
Lobby your local Primary Care Trust Board (find out where and when they meet on their website)
Lobby your local MPs (remember, there is an election coming up next year - find your local MPs at
Organise public meetings and tell public and patients what is happening - sign up the people who come to Keep Our NHS Public and start spreading the word. More information from UNISON on the PCT commissioner/provider split
Keep Our NHS Public is in constant need of funds to carry on its work Organising against NHS privatisation.
Please help by filling in our standing order form, and campaigning locally for trade unions, pensioners' groups, community groups and others to join or affiliate to us.
Keep Our NHS Public |
19 Vincent Terrace, London, N1 |
Remove me from this list |
Vestas Demos 12 August and reports from Vestas
Start: 12 Aug 2009, 6:30 pm
Nationwide/London - Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) , 3 Whitehall Place
VESTAS : National Day of Action, Wednesday 12th August
London Vestas Rally, 6.30 pm
Outside the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC ) 6.30 pm
On Friday the 7th August the bailiffs went in and the occupation of the Vestas wind turbine plant on the Isle of Wight ended.
In response to this a National Day of Action in support of the Vestas workers and to keep the factory open, for Green Jobs and a Green Energy Revolution, was declared. There will be actions all around the country organised by a diverse range of groups. See here or here (right hand column, scroll down to "Upcoming Solidarity Actions and Meetings") Or contact your local CCC group, or Union –
A national day of action has been called this Wednesday in support of the Vestas workers and the demand for green jobs. Events are being planned in communities, towns and workplaces up and down the couuntry, I forward details (below) of one I have heard about in Haringey, please circulate and also pass on details of any others you may know about - it is important that we build this campaign.
I was down on the island again on Saturday; Derek Wall, Kate Tansley and Arthur Hayles travelled down with me from the Greens, also accompanying us was Phil Thornhill from CACC.
A few hundred rallied in the centre of Newport, where amongst the many speakers were a number of the Vestas workers, RMT reps, the local Labour PPC, people form the local community (vital to build on the support they have given), Phil T and representatives from the SWP and Workers Climate Action. Kate said a few words on behalf of the London Greens. We met up with some of the IOW Green Party as we joined the march up to the factory carry the London Green Party banner and placards. We also met up with a Green who had travelled down from Worthing - a Unison member who was interested in our Trades Union Group.
In glorious sunshine (in contrast to the soaking we got outside DECC on Thursday) the march proceeded to enter the factory grounds despite the best efforts of the hired security. To our great surprise the police were very cooperative in letting us through, advising the security to stand down.
We gathered outside the main doors of the factory and chanted noisily, demanding that the director come out and speak to us, but of course there was no sight of him. The demo was in high spirits, and eventually the police allowed us to leave peacefully when the Vestas workers decided that we had made our point clear (they have been given the final say in decisions taken throughout the occupation and protest, contrary to some adverse propaganda put about by those who wish to undermine what they were fighting for).
I handed over a cheque to their campaign on behalf of GPTU from a collection we had made. I have also made contact with workers with a view to bringing them to speak at events in the near future.
But as the workers themselves have said, the fight is not yet over. Please do everything you can to keep up the pressure and support on Wednesday and over the coming weeks and months
Workers FOR the world unite!
Workers at the Vestas wind turbine blade plant on the Isle of Wight who occupied their factory in Newport in an attempt to prevent its closure, which was scheduled for the end of this month have now been evicted but their struggle continues. The Green Party Trade Union Group sends its full support to them.
Job losses in a recession are tragic and counterproductive, serving only to worsen it by throwing people out of work.This particular closure would be doubly damaging because it would remove one of the few capacities Britain has to build the new, environmentally friendly technologies urgently needed to construct the infrastructure that could help to counteract the effects of climate change.
Importing turbine blades is a false solution because their transport would increase the environmental cost of wind turbines. Furthermore the skills and knowledge of the Vestas workers could be dispersed and lost just when we need them most.
If the government allows this closure, its commitment to dealing with climate change will seem a total sham.
How can it let Vestas close when it can afford;
The Afghan war effort?
The bail out of banks including continuing taxpayers’ support for excessive fatcat salaries?
The renewal of the trident missile system?
New nuclear power stations?
And a ridiculous scheme of paying MP’s expenses ?
The Green Party Trade Union Group urges everyone who can to support the Vestas occupation and put pressure on government to actually enact a strategy of creating an environmentally friendly infrastructure for Britain and new jobs for its peoples. P.Murry GPTU Secretary
(page 2)
Dr Caroline Lucas, Green Party Leader and Euro-MP for the Isle of Wight and the South East.
“We should be seizing the opportunity to create a renewable energy revolution…The Government can make a genuine start along this road by pledging to keep the isle of Wight’s Vestas plant open for business.”
Now is the chance for you and your government to turn hot air into reality. The workers at the Vestas factory are fighting for their future and that of this country and the planet. Your government’s policies are to increasingly rely on renewables, yet at a time when unemployment is mounting, creating untold hardship and poverty, you are allowing the only factory in the UK producing wind turbine blades to close down. This will result in these turbines being produced in other countries, such as China, thus reducing UK manufacturing further. This is the economics of the madhouse.
Your government was able to intervene and prop up the banks after the recent crisis, yet this factory which is making a significant contribution towards preventing climate change is receiving no assistance whatsoever. I am calling upon you to step in and nationalise the Vestas factory. Not only would this save the jobs of many workers but would also play a significant role in helping create the ‘Green New Deal’ which this country so badly needs, i.e. the creation of millions of new environmentally friendly and sustainable jobs.
The Vestas workers have shown the way. It is now up to your government to help them or to answer for it to the people in a few months time.
Dr Joseph Healy
Treasurer Green Party Trade Union Group
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Snaps from Vestas protests 3&4 August 2009

Flag at the Vestas Roundabout 3/8/2009

The Gate at Vestas 3/8/2009

Bob Crow relaxing between rounds of negotiation (THIS IS A JOKE its a climate camper at the Magic roundabout doing a chinese dance with bits of string)

Marchers arrive at Newport courthouse 4/9/2009

Marchers arrive at Newport courthouse 4/9/2009

GP banners at Newport courthouse 4/9/2009

Listening to speakers outside the Courthouse
Friday, 7 August 2009
A protest will be taking place tomorrow morning from 7.30am outside the Vestas office in Warrington, a number of supporters have already announced that.
As previously announced, also tomorrow we will be campaigning on Market Street from 1-3pm followed by an inpromptu rally and march to Piccadilly gardens.
RMT accuses Vestas of knocking back turbine factory rescue deal
From: RMT media office (
Sent: 07 August 2009 10:18:17
To: (
OFFSHORE ENERGY UNION RMT today accused the owners of the Vestas wind turbine factory on the Isle of Wight of “kicking the legs” from under a rescue package that could have saved it from closure.
RMT officials Bob Crow and John Leach, along with representatives of the Vestas workforce, met with energy minister Joan Ruddock yesterday to discuss the future of the factory.
During the meeting it emerged that the government had offered a series of rescue options to the company but each one had been rejected.
Bailiffs notices were served yesterday on the remaining six men in occupation and moves are expected by noon today by the company to retake possession of the buildings.
RMT general secretary Bob Crow said
"Whatever happens today, the workers involved in the Vestas occupation can hold their heads up high and be proud of the brave fight they have put up for green jobs. They have turned a local fight over a factory closure on the Isle of Wight into a global battle for the future of manufacturing in the renewable energy sector and that is an extraordinary achievement.
"There should now be an investigation into Vestas' activities in the UK as it appears from the meeting with the minister that they kicked the legs from under a perfectly viable rescue deal which could have saved the factory. We cannot have a situation where companies like this turn the tap on and off on key manufacturing jobs. They should not be allowed to simply up sticks and shift production to other parts of the world regardless of the impact on the local economy.
"RMT will continue to work to secure the best possible deal for the Vestas workforce and specifically the workers sacked during the occupation. The fight to get this unit back into production, making turbines for the UK, goes on."
Green Left will be participating in the events of August 16th as part of a campaign calling for a proper monument to remember the bloody events of that day. We also regard it as particularly relevant in this year when police violence has led to the death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 demo, the criminalisation of many others, and the attacks on Climate Camp and many peaceful protestors over the last few months. Details of the Peterloo event are below.
This years commemorations of the Peterloo Massacre will be the biggest yet seen, with groups from the city and beyond rallying to St Peters Fields to honour those who gave their lives in the cause of economic justice and democracy.
11am Peterloo historical guided walk by Paul Mason (BBC Newsnight correspondent, acting in a personal capacity. Paul has a long standing interest in the massacre.) Organized by Manchester Trade Council. The walk will finish at the site of the massacre in time for the main commemoration...
1pm main commemoration- Manchester campaigners will be met on the steps of G Mex by delegates marching in from Oldham and Middleton. (Following the original marching routes from 1819) Replica Peterloo banners kindly lent to the campaign by PROCESSION artist Jeremy Deller (one carried in from Oldham), will then be raised, along with 20 replica 'liberty caps' on poles. The red and gold liberty cap is an ancient symbol of political freedom dating back to ancient Greece, and has been used as an icon of freedom by many movements, including the French and American revolutions.
Liberty caps raised on wooden poles were a crucial icon during the 1819 protest, and were ruthlessly targeted with sabres by the yeomanry, resulting in many of the injuries.
An extract from Shelley's 1819 'Peterloo' poem, 'The Masque of Anarchy' will be read, along with the names of those who died.
Guests will include Tony Lloyd MP, and Manchester City Councilors.
3pm to 5pm 'REUNION' at Cornerhouse art gallery, Oxford Rd. As part of the 'PROCESSION' exhibition, Cornerhouse are inviting all those with “a connection to any of these events” to “join us at this special informal event to meet others and share your stories.” See-
7pm Music Event- 'Hear and Now'. Singer songwriter Claire Mooney and guests perform at Briton's Protection Pub to commemorate Peterloo and contemporary political struggles, organized by Manchester Trades Union Council. £3 / £1
8pm Music and poetry event‘ PETERLOO – SOLDIERS ON THE RAMPAGE’ will be presented for the first time on Sunday 16th August at The Angel Pub, Angel Street, Manchester. Tickets £5. Details- Martin Gittins 07760 430 577 email-
UNTIL 26th SEPT 2009 A month long exhibition commemorating Peterloo at the Central Library in Manchester- first floor. Includes period and modern items, including the mugs and liberty caps created by the campaign. Curated by Terry Wyke and Stephen Yates, opening hours Monday - Thursday 9am - 8pm and Friday and Saturday 9 - 5pm.
Said Paul Fitzgerald of the Peterloo Memorial Campaign: “We're stunned by the levels of enthusiasm this year. Just as we hoped, the campaign has swiftly bought to the surface an underground reservoir of passion about this massively significant, but much neglected event in Manchester's history.
With the Council's announcement of plans for a memorial in St Peter's Square, this is a crucial year for Peterloo. Our job now is to ensure that the design is informative, representative and appropriate. As we near the 200th anniversary, it's vital we put an end to the long and shameful tradition of neglecting or whitewashing the memory of this turning point in the history of democracy.
We invite everyone who cares about this issue to join us on the day and leave their mark on the site of this infamous event.”
PRESS CONTACT- Paul on 07800 535471
The Peterloo Memorial Campaign first bought this issue to light in 2007 with it's inaugural action on 16th August- pasting it's own accurate paper plaque over the disgraceful euphemistic old plaque on the side of the former Free Trade Hall. This led to the council installing a permanent ceramic plaque based on our paper one. It continues to campaign and lobby to ensure the memorial design is one that will inform those seeing it about what took place in the heart of this city.
The Peterloo massacre occurred at St Peter's Field, Manchester, England, on 16 August 1819, when cavalry charged into a crowd of 60,000–80,000 gathered at a meeting to demand the reform of parliamentary representation. Shortly after the meeting began, local magistrates called on the military authorities to arrest Hunt and several others on the hustings with him, and to disperse the crowd. Cavalry charged into the crowd with sabres drawn, and in the ensuing confusion, 15 people were killed and 400–700 were injured. The massacre was given the name Peterloo in ironic comparison to the Battle of Waterloo, which had taken place four years earlier.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 19:30 - 21:30 Golborne Catholic ClubHigh Street (opposite LIDL Supermarket) GolbornePhone: 07724139278
If you can make this meeting and/or can help get others along please go to:
This will be the first meeting of our proposed borough-wide campaign proper and everyone opposed to the Building Schools for the Future programme (BSF) in the Borough is being invited to attend. We are encouraging every existing campaign group fighting against the closure of their local school or schools, and against the proposed new PFI financed Monster schools which are intended to replace them, to make sure they are represented at this meeting as well as on the new borough wide steering committee we are hoping to set up at it.SPEAKERS: will include branch officials from Wigan UNISON, leading members of the Save Hesketh Fletcher Campaign, Campaign Against the Monster School in Lowton, Makerfield Against Development, and against the closure of Montrose Special School in Wigan. Borough Councillors opposed to the BSF programme and who are wanting to be involved in the campaign are also being invited, as are any other supportive individuals, campaign groups or trade union branches.
Join our facebook group at
Stephen Hall on behalf of Wigan, Leigh & Makerfield United Against BSF--------------------