Launched by the initial signatories given below at a general assembly of the St Paul’s Occupation on the evening of the 27th October 2011.
‘As trade unionists we express our support and admiration for the activists taking part in the occupation at St Paul's. We believe that they deserve the support of all those who think that we need a fairer and more just society.
‘The occupiers represent the rage against the bankers and a government that puts the interests of the rich before the interests of ordinary people.
‘We welcome the occupation’s statement giving support to the public sector pensions strike on 30th November. The support that the occupiers have given to the demonstrations by electricians facing huge attacks to their pay and conditions has also been magnificant.
‘We support Reverend Giles Fraser, a man of principle, forced to resign due to his opposition to the possible threats of violence against the occupiers. His resignation must not be taken as a green light for the police to step in to clear the occupation.
‘We pledge to stand with the occupiers against any attempt to physically remove them.
‘The right-wing media and politicians may seek to vilify the occupiers, but we stand firmly with them. We are heartened by the growth of a new, young and vibrant movement that, like us, seeks a better society - one that puts human need before bankers' greed'.
Initial Signatures (all in a personal capacity):
Mark Campbell, UCU National Executive Committee, and London Metropolitan University UCU
Jess Edwards, Assistant Secretary, Lambeth NUT
Ian Bradley, Unite London Rank & File Committee
Andy Reid, PCS National Executive Committee
Nick Grant, NUT National Executive Committee
Richard McEwan, UCU National Executive Committee, and Tower Hamlets College UCU
Simon Hester, Prospect, Vice-chair, HSE Branch
Jeni Reid, PCS, Asst Branch Secretary, HSE National Branch
Rachel Eborall, Unison East London Mental Health Branch
Matt Saywell, GMB Holborn Branch Secretary, and GMB London Regional Council
Keith Crane, PCS, DEFRA Group Executive
Craig Farr, Lambeth NUT LGBT Officer
Ursla Hawthorn, NUT Waltham Forest
Luke Evans, Goldsmiths UCU Executive Committee
Des Freedman, Goldsmiths UCU Executive Committee
Ken Muller, Islington NUT Assistant Secretary
Mandy Brown, UCU Branch Secretary, Lambeth College
Peter Coville, Vice-chair, Reading College UCU
Jake Douglas, Asst Branch Secretary, CONEL UCU
Jim Wolfrys, UCU National Executive Committee, and Kings College UCU
Kelvin Smith, Queen Mary University London UCU
Charlie Kimber, NUJ
Matthew Myatt, NUJ Hampshire Chapel
Richard Willis, GMB Redbridge
Maureen Taylor, GMB Redbridge